Department of Private Law and Critique of Law
The integration of the disciplines now joined and linked together under the heading of the new Department, finds its raison d'être in the legal tradition of Western law, whose founding categories have been shaping and developed after Roman Law. Furthermore, Legal Theory and Jurisprudence, along with their methodological approach, are entrusted with the analysis of the ultimate principles of law and with the critical assessment of their respective determinations.
As to the teaching curriculum, special significance has been attached to the selection of the first year classes, such as Private Law, Roman Lawand Legal Philosophy: together, they concur to students' legal "alphabetization". Civil Law and Commercial Law (including Corporate Law and Securities Law) and – due to its markedly specialized traits – Labour law, represent the additional core of the law courses: together, they interact towards the education of students with respect to each of the different areas of legal professionalism.
Dipartimento di Diritto privato e critica del diritto (DPCD)
Director: Manlio Miele
Via VIII Febbraio, 2 - 35122 Padova
tel. +39 0498273394 /3420 - fax +39 0498273399