Specialisation Schools

Scuole di specializzazione
These schools enable graduates to practice chosen professions and to use the title of specialista (specialist). Admission usually requires students to obtain a specific laurea magistrale or laurea magistrale a ciclo unico (or a comparable foreign degree) and to pass a selective examination. Course length varies in relation to subject fields. They are devised to provide students with knowledge and abilities required for highly qualified the professions (e.g., cardiology, oncology).

  How to apply

Admission is governed by a competition, as each Specialisation School has a limited number of places. Applicants may be of any age or citizenship, but must have the requirements stated in the corresponding call for admission.

For admission requirements and application procedures please check the Calls for admissions to Specialisation Schools on the Italian website.  

After reading the call for admission, applicants must submit the application form on http://www.uniweb.unipd.it within the deadlines.

  Specialisation Schools of the Health Area - graduates from Medical Schools

Specialisation Schools have got certificates of conformity to ISO 9001: 2015 Standard for the implementation of Quality Management Systems on their sites. They are awarded by an accredited conformity assessment body" la frase deve risultare "They are awarded by an accredited conformity assessment body.
The Scope of certificates is "Design and delivery of specialised vocational training courses (IAF 37)".

For more information about the following Schools visit the Italian website

Allergologia e immunologia clinica
Allergology and clinical immunology

Anatomia patologica
Anatomic pathology

Anestesia, rianimazione, terapia del dolore
Intensive Care and Pain Therapy

Audiologia e foniatria
Audiology and phoniatrics

Cardiac surgery

Chirurgia generale
General surgery

Chirurgia pediatrica
Paediatric surgery

Chirurgia plastica, ricostruttuva ed estetica 
Plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery

Chirurgia toracica 
Thoracic surgery

Chirurgia vascolare
Vascular surgery

Dermatologia e venereologia
Dermatology and venereology

Endocrinologia e malattie del metabolismo
Endocrinology and metabolic diseases

Genetica medica 
Medical genetics


Ginecologia ed ostetricia
Gynaecology and obstetrics

Igiene e medicina preventiva
Preventive medicine and hygiene

Malattie dell'apparato cardiovascolare
Diseases of cardiovascular apparatus

Malattie dell'apparato digerente
Digestive diseases

Malattie dell'apparato respiratorio
Diseases of respiratory tract

Malattie infettive e tropicali
Infectious and Tropical Diseases

Medicina d'emergenza-urgenza
Emergency medicine

Medicina del lavoro
Occupational medicine

Medicina dello sport e dell'esercizio fisico
Sports medicine and exercise

Medicina di comunità e delle cure primarie
Community medicine and primary care

Medicina e Cure palliative
Medicine and Palliative Care

Medicina fisica e riabilitativa 
Physical and rehabilitation medicine

Medicina interna
Internal medicine

Medicina legale
Legal medicine

Medicina nucleare
Nuclear medicine

Microbiologia e virologia
Microbiology and virology




Neuropsichiatria infantile
Child Neuropsychiatry


Oncologia medica

Ortopedia e traumatologia
Orthopaedics and traumatology


Patologia clinica e biochimica clinica
Clinical pathology and clinical biochemistry



Radio diagnosis


Scienza dell'alimentazione
Nutritional sciences

Statistica sanitaria e biometria
Health Statistics and  Biometry 


  Specialisation Schools of the Health Area - graduates from not Medical Courses

Five out of seven Specialisation Schools have got certificates of conformity to ISO 9001: 2015 Standard for the implementation of Quality Management Systems on their sites. They are awarded by an accredited conformity assessment body.
The Scope of certificates is "Design and delivery of specialised vocational training courses (IAF 37).

For more information about the following Schools visit the Italian website

Farmacia ospedaliera
Hospital pharmacy

Fisica medica
Medical Physics

Genetica Medica
Medical Genetics

Microbiologia e virologia
Microbiology and Virology

Odontoiatria Pediatrica
Paediatric Dentistry


Patologia clinica e biochimica clinica
Clinical Pathology and Clinical Biochemistry

Statistica sanitaria e biometria
Health Statistics and Biometry

  Specialisation Schools of the Psycology Area - graduates from Psycology Courses

Four out of five Schools have got certificates of conformity to ISO 9001: 2015 Standard for the implementation of Quality Management Systems on their sites. They are awarded by an accredited conformity assessment body.
The Scope of certificates is "Design and delivery of specialised vocational training courses (IAF 37).

For more information about the following Schools visit the Italian website


Psicologia clinica
Clinical Psychology

Psicologia della salute
Developmental Psychology

Psicologia del ciclo di vita
Health Psycology

Valutazione psicologica e consulenza (counselling)
Psychological Evaluation and Counseling


  Specialisation Schools of the Veterinary Area - graduates from Veterinary Medicine Courses

Two out of three Schools have got certificates of conformity to ISO 9001: 2015 Standard for the implementation of Quality Management Systems on their sites. They are awarded by an accredited conformity assessment body.
The Scope of certificates is "Design and delivery of specialised vocational training courses (IAF 37).

For more information about the following Schools visit the Italian website

Allevamento, igiene, patologia delle specie acquatiche e controllo dei prodotti derivati
Breeding, Hygiene, Diseases of Aquatic Species and Control of By-Products

Ispezione degli alimenti di origine animale 
Inspection of Animal Source Foods

Sanità animale, allevamento e produzioni zootecniche
Animal Health, Breeding and Livestock Products

  Other Specialisation Schools

For more information about the following Schools visit the Italian website

Beni archeologici
Archeological heritage

Beni storico-artistici
Historical and artistic heritage

Per le professioni legali
For the legal professions

Valutazione e gestione del rischio chimico
Chemical risk assessment and management

Ufficio Post lauream - Professional Development Courses

via Ugo Bassi 1, 35131 Padova
tel. 049.8276373/6374 - fax 049.8276386
formazionecontinua.lauream@unipd.it - titoliesteri.lauream@unipd.it

Opening hours: Mon - Fri 10:00 - 13:00; Tuesdays also 15:00 - 16:30; Thursdays 10:00 - 15:00

To schedule an appointment with the Office Staff 