Before the mobility
Before the mobility, you must be regularly enrolled at the University of Padua. A vademecum is available for download in the platform Mobility Online for students who accepted the place. Credentials to access the platform are sent via email to students after they accepted the place.
1. Enrol at the host university
After the process of accepting the Erasmus place, the Mobility Unit Desks at each School or Department sends the "nomination" of successful students to their partner universities. The student should independently find the paperwork on the web pages of their respective host universities and return it within the specified deadlines. In some cases, the universities inform students on enrolment and deadlines via email.
The documents most commonly required are:
- Application form: enrolment form for the partner university
- Accomodation form: form to request accommodation. Some partner universities offer the chance to stay in their halls of residence, according to availability. If this is not possible, students must independently search for their own accommodation. If upon departing for Erasmus you would like to leave your room to rent to an incoming exchange student arriving in Padova, you can contact ESU to let them know of its availability by emailing sassa@esu.pd.it.
- Learning Agreement: you should send the standard European version, available for download via Uniweb, only after the approval of the Academic Coordinator in Padova.
- Academic Transcript of Records: certification of the exams taken in Padova with the relative marks and number of credits in English, to be requested from the Student Office (Ufficio Carriere Studenti); a payment of €16 is required for the revenue stamp.
- Certification of language knowledge: if any language level certification is sufficient, it is possible to sit the test at the University Language Centre (Centro Linguistico di Ateneo (CLA) during the available dates. If there is a need for a specific language certification (for example IELTS, GOETHE etc.) the student must independently provide this.
It is advised to pay attention to the deadlines set by partner universities, as it is possible for them to refuse students who were originally successful. The deadlines of the Università di Padova and partner universities do not always coincide.
In the paperwork requested from the institution abroad, the following data related to our university is often required, see below:
Home institution / Sending institution:
Università degli Studi di Padova
via -VIII Febbraio 1848, 2
35122 Padova ITALY
Erasmus code: I-PADOVA01
Departmental Coordinator or Bilateral Flow contact person: Academic Coordinator (responsabile di flusso) in Padova
Institutional Coordinator: Cristina Basso – Vice Rector for International Relations.
Reference email for partner universities: erasmus@unipd.it
For the Institutional Coordinator’s signature, students mustcontact the Mobility Unit Desk at the School/Department
Your level of study may be asked:
- Corso di laurea triennale: "Bachelor’s Degree" or "1st cycle"
- Corso di laurea specialistica/magistrale/magistrale a ciclo unico: "Master’s Degree" or "2nd cycle" or “Single-cycle Master’s Degree”
- Corso di dottorato: "Doctorate" or "3rd cycle"
2. Inform yourself on healthcare abroad
Generally for the Erasmus residency it is sufficient to bring with you your EHIC card, offered by the Ministry of Health, which allows you to receive healthcare in EU countries and in Switzerland during periods of study, work and holiday.
It is advised however that, in advance of your departure, you refer yourself to your ULSS/ASL to receive more information on other documents that may be requested by the host university for medical cover during your stay and on the relative procedures to follow in order to obtain a reimbursment of medical expenses.
Students that will be travelling to destinations outside of the EU must take out private insurance or refer to their respective ULSS/ASL for further information.
For non-EU citizens, registration to the Italian National Health Service is not valid abroad.
For more detailed information:
- http://ec.europa.eu/health/ - Portal for EU health
- http://ec.europa.eu/social/ - EHIC
3. Inform yourself on insurance cover
For information on insurance cover by the Università di Padova to all students regularly enrolled, consult: https://www.unipd.it/assicurazione (available in Italian only).
If requested by the partner university, it is possible to access the text of the insurance policy in English by downloading the form on Uniweb.
5. Prepare the Learning Agreeement on Uniweb
According to European Commission rules, all students must prepare a plan of intended studies (Learning Agreement) to carry out abroad before their departure. It must be approved by competent academic authorities. One must prepare the Learning Agreement exclusively through Uniweb, both before and during the mobility.
The deadlines for the submission of the LA on Uniweb are as follows:
- by 15 June: for students that depart in the first semester
- by 15 October: for students that depart in the second semester
Attention: The partner university ask for the LA already approved by the Academic Coordinator in Padova before this deadline.
In order to sign the Grant Agreement the LA must be approved on Uniweb by the Academic Coordinator in Padova.
Once approved by the Academic Coordinator on Uniweb, the student must download the ‘Standard European’ version (not the summary) and send it to the partner university for their counter-signature.
On your arrival at the host Institution, the complete LA before the mobility must be uploaded together with the Attendance Certificate to Mobility Online platform. This step is essential in order to receive the first grant payment. If the LA before the mobility is not counter-signed before the departure, you must get the signature within 7 days of your arrival.
The LA submitted and approved on Uniweb is signed electronically both by the student and the Academic Coordinator. If the university partner does not accept an electronic signature, please send an email to the Mobility Unit Desk at the School/Department.
Students that carry out thesis and doctoral work abroad must attach to the Learning Agreement on Uniweb a letter from the supervisor in Padova (form available for download on the page Learning Agreement).
Failure to meet the relative LA rules shall result in the cancellation of the student’s Erasmus status.
For more information on the compilation of these documents consult the page Learning Agreement.
6. Change the semester of departure
To change the semester of departure, you should fill the form Postpone your stay on the Mobility Online platform. In case the student has been already nominated to the partner university, the student must inform the partner university about the change of semester of departure and inform the Mobility Unit Desk if a new nomination is required.
It is possible to postpone the departure from the first to the second semester, but it is not possible to bring forward an exchange from the second to the first.
It is not necessary to inform us of a change in the date of departure if it is still taking place in the original semester. You may indicate a more precise date when you will be asked to fill the form for the Grant Agreement in the Mobility Online platform.
Those who do not depart within 30 days of the date indicated will be considered as having quit the programme and therefore will be eliminated from the list of students.
7. Sign the Grant Agreement
In order to be eligible to receive the Erasmus Grant from the European Commission, you must sign the Erasmus+ Grant Agreement before your departure.
Students may only sign the contract if:
- they have registered on Uniweb at least 40 credits (only for students enrolled in the first year of a Bachelor’s Degree);
- they have successfully passed the "OFA" (Obblighi Formativi Aggiuntivi - additional learning requirements);
- they have the Learning Agreement on Uniweb approved by the Academic Coordinator in Padova;
- they are regularly enrolled at the Università di Padova for the academic year in which the mobility takes place. It is not possible to graduate during the Erasmus mobility period. Those who have been granted an Erasmus+ exchange during the Bachelor’s Degree and depart in the Master’s Degree can sign the Grant Agreement only once enrolled in the Master’s Degree.
Once enrolled in the Master’s Degree fill the relevant form in the section Grant Agreement/Mobility Agreement requirements in the Mobility Online platform and wait for the administrative checking process to be completed.
In order to sign the Grant Agreement, students must:
- insert their IBAN on Uniweb in the section: Didattica/Dati personali/Dati rimborso/Rimborso/Bonifico bancario. For motilities from the 2024/25 a.y., the IBAN code will be updated also in Mobility Online within 48 hours. The student must keep the IBAN data updated in Uniweb only.
Important: The grant can only be credited to an Italian current account or pre-paid card equipped with IBAN and the student must be the account-holder (it is not permitted to use a parent’s account).
Students leaving in the second semester 2023/2024 will be provided with further information about procedures and deadlines by email.
The Erasmus student charter available to download at the end of the page is an integral part of the Grant Agreement and serves as Attachment II.
When completing the online form, students will digitally sign the Disclaimer for international mobility , which is mandatory, and a questionnaire about inclusive mobility, which is optional.
9. Find accommodation abroad and a substitute for your room in Padova
Leaving your accomodation in Padova to incoming students
Outgoing students have the possibility to leave their accommodation in Padova to incoming students. To do so, they can promote their announcement on the social channels managed by Tutor Buddies and ESN - Erasmus Student Network.
The Mobility Unit periodically contacts outgoing students sending them the details to participate in the initiative. For more information students can write to erasmus@unipd.it.
To find accommodation abroad and a substitute for your own room in Padova, students can use HousingAnywhere, an international accommodation platform for students, PhD candidates and trainees.
To receive your own VIP UniPD profile on HousingAnywhere and have priority access to available rooms in more than 400 cities: https://www.unipd.it/housinganywhere-pd-en.
To propose your room in Padova to an incoming student, with the guarantee of finding it again after your mobility: https://www.unipd.it/housinganywhere-list. On the platform you can manage the requests of students interested in your room and choose the preferred roommate. Incoming international students of the Università di Padova are recognisable thanks to the VIP ‘Student Verified’ badge and they should be given priority. Attention: students must independently verify that the property-owner provides their consent to the advertisement of the room. For more information contact vip@housinganywhere.com.