Data protection

The University of Padua processes the personal data of the data subjects in accordance with the principles of fairness, lawfulness, transparency and data minimization, for the protection of confidentiality and all the rights of the data subjects, in compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation), Personal Data Protection Code (Legislative Decree 196/2003 and subsequent amendments) and the subsequent implementing measures adopted by the European Authorities and the Italian Data Protection Authority ( )


  University Website

Information on personal-data processing by the University website

  Activities for the inclusion of staff members

Information on data processing for activities concerning the inclusion of staff members with disabilities, working at the University of Padova.


Information on personal-data processing for persons involved in recruitment procedures or selection announcements for admission to limited-place courses, the awarding of research grants, fixed-term contracts and/or teaching.

  Jobs, Internships - Companies

Information on personal data processing for companies' staff involved in recruiting and career guidance activities at the University of Padova


Information on personal-data processing for persons planning to matriculate in degree courses and for University of Padova undergraduates, graduating students, graduates, grant holders, medical-speciality students and PhD students.

  National Civil Service

Information on personal-data processing for persons who intend to apply to the National Civil Service.

  Visiting PhD

Information for managing visiting PhD requests

  Data protection social network advertising

Facebook Lookalike Audience (Facebook, Inc.)


Facebook Lookalike Audience is an advertising and behavioral targeting service provided by Facebook, Inc. using data collected through Facebook's personalized public service in order to show advertisements to users with similar behavior to users who are already on a list. Audiences are personalized based on their previous use of this application, or through their interaction with relevant content through Facebook applications and services. 

Based on this data, personalized ads will be shown to users suggested by Facebook Lookalike Audiences. Interested parties can choose not to use Facebook cookies for ad personalization by visiting this opt-out page.

Personal data collected: cookies; usage data.

Place of treatment: United States - Privacy Policy - Opt Out. Person adhering to the Privacy Shield.

Facebook Remarketing Retargeting (Facebook, Inc.) 

Facebook Remarketing Retargeting is a remarketing and behavioral targeting service provided by Facebook, Inc. that connects the activity of this application with the Facebook advertising network.

Personal data collected: cookies; usage data.

Place of treatment: United States - Privacy Policy - Opt Out. Subject adhering to the Privacy Shield.

Facebook Custom Audience (Facebook, Inc.) 

Facebook Custom Audience is a remarketing and behavioral targeting service provided by Facebook, Inc. that connects the activity of this application with the Facebook advertising network. Interested parties can choose not to use Facebook cookies for ad personalization by visiting this opt-out page.

Personal data collected: cookies; e-mail.

Place of treatment: United States - Privacy Policy - Opt Out. Subject adhering to the Privacy Shield.

Dreamapply, Mailchimp, MailUp, Brevo and Goin’

International students’ personal data (name, surname, email address), which were collected during international fairs and events, will automatically be uploaded into the following web platforms: 

1) Dreamapply (, based in Tallinn, Estonia, and provided by Dream Group Ltd - the ownership and processing of students’ personal data is carried out by the University of Padua

2) Mailchimp (, provided by The Rocket Science Group LLC, based in Atlanta, Georgia (USA) – data are processed in accordance with the company’s policy

3) MailUp (, provided by MailUp S.p.A. an email marketing company with registered office in Viale F. Restelli 1, 20124 Milan, Italy – data are processed in accordance with the company’s policy

4) Brevo (, based in Paris, France - data are processed in accordance with the company’s policy

5) Goin’ B.V. con sede a Vondellaan 52,521 GH Utrecht, The Netherlands (company registration number 81086695) -

Unibuddy Limited
Incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 09790742 whose registered
office is at 5 New Street Square, London, United Kingdom, EC4A 3TW

Organisational chart and instructions for persons authorised to process data

University identifies and trains the persons authorised to process personal data, assigning specific tasks and functions to the staff working under its responsibility and within its organisational structure.

Privacy organisational chart and instructions

Instructions for persons authorised to process personal data

Reporting data-protection breaches

  Reporting data-protection breaches

Information of any security incident that may lead to the loss, modification, unauthorised disclosure or access to personal data processed by the University of Padua must be reported immediately (and in any case no later than 8 hours after becoming aware of it) to

Form for internal reporting of personal data breaches

Procedure for reporting of personal data breaches


Updated on: September 11, 2023

Data Protection Officer (DPO):  Giorgio Valandro
