Apply to Erasmus
By applying to Erasmus+ for Studies Programme it is possible to spend a period between 2 and 12 months within an academic year at a partner University either within or outside of Europe.
Destinations include the Arqus Alliance partner Universities - Granada, Graz, Leipzig, Lyon, Maynooth, Minho, Vilnius and Wroclaw (Open Arqus Mobility).
The mobility grant for the Erasmus+ for Studies in Europe, according to the Erasmus Programme (2021/2027), varies from €300 to €350 monthly based on the destination, while for the destinations beyond Europe it is €700 monthly.
Students are required to independently consult the websites of partner universities to check the academic courses on offer, language prerequisites and, once having accepted the place, inform themselves on the procedures and planned deadlines in place for incoming Erasmus students. To view the selection procedures please consult the Mobility Unit Desks.
Erasmus+ for Studies available destinations - Call 2025/26
Interactive platform of 2025/26 destinations: www.unipd.it/mobility-agreements.
It is mandatory to select your course of study from the Study field drop-down menu.
The total number of months indicated under Number for each agreement must be divided by the number of available places indicated under Total number.
It is necessary to note down all relevant information (e.g. Erasmus code, Academic Coordinator, ISCED/area of study) to correctly select the destination when applying on Uniweb
Who can participate?
Students regularly enrolled at the Università di Padova in Bachelor’s degrees, Master’s degrees, single-cycle Master’s degrees, Doctoral degrees and in Specialisation Schools can participate in the Erasmus+ for studies Programme.
It is necessary to be regularly enrolled and up to date with the payment of fees at the time of submission of the application, before departing and during the entire mobility abroad.
For students who in the a.y. 2024/25 are enrolled in their first year of Bachelor’s degrees or single-cycle Master’s degrees (for example, Medicine and Surgery, Pharmacy, Law etc.):
1) for the first call (deadline: 16/01/2025 at 13:00): all first year-students can apply, unless there are specific restrictions laid out by their School or Department;
2) for the second call (deadline: 10/04/2025 at 13:00): it is necessary to have achieved at least 15 credits (registered on Uniweb) at the time of application, unless there are specific restrictions outlined by their School or Department.
It is then necessary to have gained at least 40 credits (registered on Uniweb) before the departure, otherwise the mobility cannot take place.
Students enrolled in Bachelor’s degrees or single-cycle Master’s degrees from the second year on are required to have at least 40 credits registered on Uniweb at the time of the application. Master’s students and PhD candidates automatically satisfy this condition, given that they have already completed at least a Bachelor’s degree.
Master's students who will carry out their mobility during their second year or thereafter must gain at least 40 credits before signing the Grant Agreement.
Students must follow the requisites of participation outlined in the call, as well as the criteria given by Schools and Departments.
Students with disabilities or learning disabilities can refer to Student Service Office - Inclusion Unit.
Choice of destinations and Selection Criteria of Schools and Departments
As well as the general rules that apply to the Call, students carefully should refer to the Mobility Unity desk at Schools/Departments webpage for specific criteria as well as the list of available destinations.
ATTENTION: in choosing the destination it is recommended that students carefully inspect the academic courses on offer at the Receiving Institution and consider their compatibility with their own study plan, language prerequisites, deadlines for the application form and the entry and residency requirements of the country in question; often, in fact, these issues can prevent the departure.
Mobility places to UK Institutions with which the University of Padua has active agreements are also included in the call for applications.
Please pay attention to the UK entry rules regarding visa and health insurance available on the pages of the partner universities or the British government. Costs related to visa, insurance, or other requirements to enter the UK are not covered by the mobility grants.
How to apply
Before proceeding with the Erasmus application via Uniweb it is necessary to consult the call and inspect the selection criteria and the destinations available on the interactive platform: www.unipd.it/mobility-agreements.
You should include with the application (which should be submitted in only PDF format):
- proposal of activities to do abroad (mandatory) and/or a letter from your Italian thesis supervisor or internship tutor. In the case of exams and thesis or exams and internship, both documents must be attached in a single PDF file. ATTENTION: the thesis and/or internship letter can be replaced by the email of the Professor, and it can be attached in PDF file.
- any language certificates (consult the University of Language Centre table) or a self-certification stating the language exam taken and the mark achieved (in an institution other than the University of Padova)
- any self-certification stating studies and the mark gained, if achieved through a foriegn univerisity or institution
For any problems with the procedure please fill the Contact form
Lists of successful students and acceptance procedure
Students who are successful must accept their allocated place on Uniweb within the period outlined by the call.
On the occasion that the place is not accepted within the dates outlined, the student will be considered rejected and the place will be automatically assigned to the next student in line or placed in the second call.
Students that renouce their place will no longer be able to take part in the Erasmus+ for studies Programme in the same academic year.