Bilateral Agreements/Ulisse: incoming students

Internationalisation has always been an important priority for the University of Padua. With over 300 bilateral agreements, the University has established long-standing relationships with Higher Education Institutions all over the world, not only in Europe but also in Africa, North and South America, Asia and the Middle East, aimed at encouraging international exchanges of teaching and administrative staff as well as students at all degree levels.

These bilateral agreements reflect various forms of cooperation, which also include activities such as joint publications and exchange of information, to improve academic cooperation.

Bilateral agreements are required for the students’ mobility to take place. Please check below the lists of bilateral agreements currently in place between the University of Padua and other HEIs.

Please note: if you are looking for information concerning the Erasmus+ Programme, you should refer to the page Erasmus+ for Studies.

Nominations and applications

Official nominations are to be sent by Home Universities through our online form in Mobility Online. The Partner Institutions receive the username and password via email in order to access the form and submit the Nomination of their outgoing students.

Each Partner Institution has only one account, so in case the Institution is organised in Faculties/Departments, they should forward the credentials to all relevant people/offices in charge of outgoing Nominations.

Students will receive a copy of the nomination confirmation email.

The form is available:

  • from 15th March to 30th April for first semester and whole academic year
  • from 1st September to 15th October for second semester

The Mobility Unit will check the information provided. Should any clarification be required, the Mobility Unit will contact the respective home institutions.
Students and partners will be notified via email as soon as the nomination is accepted.

After their nomination is accepted, students can follow the procedure described on the "Before your arrival" section, which includes a 3-STEPS-online Application form, which must be completed by the following deadlines: 


  • by 15th May:  step 1 and 2 (Registration and Application form on Uniweb) must be completed
  • by 15th June : step 3 (completion of personal details in Mobility Online and Learning Agreement upload) must be completed


  • by 31st October: step 1 and 2 (Registration and Application form on Uniweb) must be completed
  • by 30th November:  step 3 (to fill in personal details in Mobility Online and to upload Learning Agreement) must be completed 

For further information about the Application process, please read the section “Before your arrival”