SEMP - Swiss European Mobility Programme

Italian version

Following the popular referendum results against mass migration on 9 February 2014, the European Union and Swiss authorities decided to suspend negotiations on the participation of Switzerland in Erasmus+. As a result, Switzerland cannot join any student and teaching staff mobility actions under the Erasmus+ Programme.

As a temporary alternative, the Swiss European Mobility Programme was launched, and the University of Padua has joined it with ad hoc agreements to allow student mobility from Padua to Swiss Universities.

Call for applications SEMP 2024/25

Application from 5 December 2023
Deadline: January 16, 2024 at 1.00 pm

  • Destination universities are available in the new interactive platform.
  • Instructions for the interactive platform.
  • You must select your course of study from the Study field drop-down menu.
  • In the platform, the total number of months indicated under Number for each agreement must be divided by the number of available places indicated under Total number.
  • It is necessary to note down all relevant information (e.g. Erasmus code, Academic Coordinator, ISCED/area of study) in order to select the correct destination in Uniweb.

  Who can apply

Students that at the time of application and before departure are duly enrolled in a Bachelor’s, Master’s, Single-cycle degree programme or in a PhD programme of the University of Padua.


  • you must be enrolled for the academic year during which you are going abroad and have paid the tuition fees due
  • if, in 2023/24 academic year, you are enrolled in the FIRST YEAR of a Bachelor’s or Single-cycle degree programme (e.g. Medicine and Surgery, Pharmacy, Law etc.), you can apply, unless otherwise provided for by your School or Department. You should also have at least 40 ECTS credits registered before departure, or you will not be allowed to leave
  • if you are enrolled in subsequent years, you must have at least 40 ECTS credits (registered on Uniweb) when you submit your application. If you are enrolled in a Master’s degree programme or in a PhD programme, you automatically meet this requirement, since you have already completed a Bachelor's or Master’s degree programme.

Proficiency in the language of the institution abroad is also mandatory.

  How to apply

You must submit your SEMP application via Uniweb exclusively.

Before applying, read the call for applications to check the selection criteria and the list of partner universities.

Remember to attach the following documents (in PDF format only) to your application:

  • proposal of activities to carry out while abroad (mandatory) and/or letter by your thesis supervisor/tutor/PhD supervisor/traineeship supervisor. Below are the documents available for download (attachment 1). If you are going to carry out both exams and thesis activities, or both exams and traineeship activities, remember to attach the two documents in one single PDF file.

ATTENTION: the thesis and/or internship letter can be replaced by the email of the Professor.


  Other useful documents

Privacy information

  • Language proficiency: self-assessment grid of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

  Information and contact details

  • For further information on specific criteria set by Schools or Departments: Mobility Unit desks at Schools/Departments
  • For information on exchanges and educational activities to carry out abroad: contact your departmental Erasmus coordinator and visit the websites of the institutions abroad
  • If you encounter technical problems when submitting your application via Uniweb, email Remember to specify your student ID and the relevant call for applications