Coimbra Group - Student Exchange Network (SEN)
The University of Padua is member of the Coimbra Group Network, an association of long-established European multidisciplinary universities of high international standard.
A large number of the member universities participate in the Coimbra Group Student Exchange Network (SEN) which aims to promote and enhance an inner network exchange at all levels and academic disciplines.
Students moving within the framework of the Coimbra Group Student Exchange Network will not be charged tuition fees and may receive grants depending on their home university.
The students will receive recognition for course work successfully completed during their stay at the host university. In addition, all students will have access to support services at the host university.
Who can participate?
Students enrolled at the Coimbra Group Universities (participating in SEN) at all levels and academic disciplines who meet the general academic criteria and language requirements specified by the Coimbra Group SEN member universities.
Enrolment procedures are the same as the Erasmus+ for Studies: please check https://www.unipd.it/en/erasmus-studies-semp
Incoming SEN students
Veronica Costa - International Office
Via VIII Febbraio 2
35122 Padova – Italy