After the mobility

At the end of the mobility, students must comply with the procedures outlined in this page.

  1. Submit the end-of-mobility documents


Students (including thesis-writers and doctorate students) should submit the end-of-mobility documents as follows:

  • Attendance Certificate and last LA signed by all parties (if modified) must be uploaded on Mobility Online platform within 10 days of the departure date set out in the Attendance Certificate by the Host Institution, even if the transcript of records has not been issued yet.
  • Transcripts of records, any thesis letters and language exam certificates should be sent by the Host Institution from their institutional email address directly to (not through the student).

For graduating students, all documents must be sent at least 30 days before the start of the graduation session.

In order to include the credits acquired during the mobility in the merit calculation for the Accommodation Call, all end-of-mobility documents, including the complete and final Transcript of Records, must be submitted as described above no later than 25th July 2025. Considering the summer time, it will be the student's responsibility to make sure in advance that the professor in charge of recognition is available Office in time to proceed in order to allow the Student Office to register the activities in time according to the deadlines established by the Accommodation Call.

Only after uploading or sending the end of mobility documents and completing the EU Survey, is possible to receive the balance of the Erasmus grant and of the additional fundings (if any).

  2. Complete the online EU survey

After submitting the end-of-mobility documents as described in step 1 ('Submit the end-of-mobility documents') students will receive an email to their university account ( with the link and password needed in order to complete the online EU survey, which is the end-of-mobility questionnaire prepared by the European Commission.

In the event that the survey is not completed within 30 days of the receipt of the email the student will have to return the entire sum of that already received.

The survey could be divided in two sections, in the event that the recognition procedure has not yet been completed.

  3. Recognition of the activities carried out abroad

To proceed with the recognition of the activities carried out abroad it is necessary

  • to have submitted all the end-of-mobility documents (see step 1 'Submit the end-of-mobility documents')
  • to have received information from your respective Mobility Desk at School/Department on how to gain recognition for the activities and the protected PDF of your Transcript of Records, available for download on Uniweb (Section 'Mobilità Internazionale > Transcript of Records')

It is only possible to upload the Transcript of Records if the Learning Agreement has been submitted or approved.

Attention! The final Learning Agreement approved on Uniweb must contain all the activities included in the Transcript of Records / Short Evaluation Report for Thesis Work and the description of the activities must be identical.

The recognition of the activities is carried out by the Academic Coordinator or the Head of the Degree Programme or their delegate, based on the indications given by the Mobility Desk at School/Department.

The Erasmus+ for studies programme requires that the entire recognition procedure must be completed by the relevant offices within five weeks of when the student receives the documentation. As a result, students are required to submit the necessary documentation within 15 days of receipt (excepting specific situations such as: conjunction with periods of holidays and festivities).

For the mobility 2024/25, the final deadline for all students is 31st October 2025 (the activities carried out abroad must be recorded in Uniweb). Students who receive additional funding (MIUR, Veneto Region, etc.) should pay particular attention to this deadline as if not met, they will have to reimburse any payments.

For the conversion of exam marks, students should consult the ECTS conversion table.

Relevant procedures - Erasmus OUT