Conversion of the grades: University of Padua table and ECTS tables

The ECTS scheme is an instrument used for converting academic results (in terms of credits) between the different national systems of assessment, in a correct and transparent way.

The use of the ECTS scheme is one of the commitments underlined by the university, as requested both by the EUC (Erasmus University Charter for the period 2007/2013) and by the ECHE (European Charter for Higher Education for the period 2014/2020 and for the new period 2021/2027), documents which are essential in order to be accepted into European education programmes.

ATTENTION: the Academic Senate in the sitting of 15 December 2020 has deliberated:

  1. Grades must be converted according to the ECTS tables for UNIPD degree courses if the Transcript of records contains the ECTS grading scale
  2. the University of Padova table is binding for the conversion of grades when the host institution does not provide references to the ECTS scale or statistical distribution of grades.

  The ECTS table for the conversion of grades

The ECTS Users’ Guide (edited in 2009 by the European Commission) foresees the overcoming of the ECTS scale which used five levels (A: 10% highest; B: next 25%, C: next 30%, D: next 25%; E: 10% lowest)  and its replacement with a simple table with a normal distribution, based on the grades used in the different national systems, redrafted for each degree course or for each group of homogenous courses, which was then named the ECTS Conversion Table.

The new ECTS table allows a more immediate comparison between two or three systems of assessment and allows an interpretation and simple, transparent conversion of credits from one system to another and therefore gives a fair level of academic results to all students, as can be seen in the example in the below file.

Given that many European universities still issue the Transcript of Records with the local assessment system and the old ECTS scale (A, B, C, D, E, F votes), in the published ECTS tables, next to the percentage there is also the vote according to the old system, so as to facilitate the conversion up until the new system is adopted by all European institutions.


Università di Almeria (Spain) issues an Astronomy student their Transcript of Records with the following information:

  • UAL MARK: Notable
  • UAL Numeric MARK: 7,4
  • ECTS Credits: 6
  • ECTS Mark: C

In the ECTS table for Mathematics and Physical and Natural Sciences, for the course ‘Astronomy’, the result ECTS C corresponds to the interval of votes between 24 and 28 (in the Italian system). The Spanish vote ‘7,4 Notable’ with be converted into one of the five votes of the Italian interval, based on all available information (evaluation of the student’s university career, reports from the institution abroad to the academic coordinator, course of study etc.) and as such, it will be registered.

  The table of the University of Padua for the conversion of NO ECTS grades

This table must be used for the conversion of grades when the host institution does not provide references to the ECTS scale or statistical distribution of grades

  ECTS tables for courses of study at the University of Padova

Below one can find the ECTS tables for various courses of study at the University of Padova, prepared by the  Educational Offer and Quality Assurance Office.

Until 2012 only statistical distributions based on the old ECTS (A-B-C-D-E) system were provided.

Clicking on the name of the appropriate School, it is possible to see the relative data and all courses of study, ordered according to the following, degree courses ex DM 509, degree courses ex DM 270, specialization courses ex DM 509, Master’s courses ex DM 270, single-cycle courses. Courses are then ordered according to the class and the code (cod cdl).

Since 2017 the statistics are calculated according to the degree courses as per ministerial provisions.

ATTENTION: the votes can differ according to relevant legislation (DM 509 or DM 270)

Tables of previous years


ECTS tables mobility a.y 2024/25

Relevant procedures - Erasmus OUT

Credit conversion table