End of mobility documents
Attendance certificate
The Attendance Certificate is the certification of the duration of the mobility (the Date of arrival/Start date of mobility will have already been completed at the foreign university); the date of Departure/End date of mobility must be filled in by the Host Institution at the end of the mobility (starting from one of the seven days prior to returning). It confirms the true dates (day/month/year) of start and end of physical mobility, dated, signed and stamped. It has to be uploaded to Mobility Online platform within 10 days of the date of departure/end date of virtual mobility (even if the Transcript of Records or the supervisor’s letter are not yet available).
Only physical mobility certified in the Attendance Certificate is funded. In regards to the calculation of the mobility period and the relative payment, the dates given in the Attendance Certificate will be used. As a result, any corrections that do not allow a clear comprehension of the dates will not be permitted.
The certificate is generally completed by the International Relations or Erasmus Office of the Host University (not by the academic coordinator), according to their criteria. Some universities declare the duration of the mobility strictly according to the period necessary in order to follow academic activities and relative exams.
The dates given in the Attendance Certificate can differ from the dates provided in the Grant Agreement, which should be considered indicative as the mobility period is calculated based on the academic activities duration and it is therefore not always possible to determine precisely in advance. The Grant Agreement defines the maximum number of days that can be finenced by the Erasmus Grant; if the mobility period in the Attendance Certificate is shorter than that estimated in the Grant Agreement, the exceeding days will not be paid for. In the same way, any extended period will not be financed.
The calculation of the Erasmus+ For Studies Programme mobility period is carried out ‘in days’, considering every month to have 30 days and the entire year to have 360. For more information, visit the page Duration of the mobility and Contributions.
Failure to submit the Attendance Certificate, or the submission of an invalid certificate (not signed/stamped, with incorrect dates or with corrections) will lead to the cancellation of the student’s Erasmus status and the complete reimbursement of any funds already provided.
LA during the mobility
Among the end-of-mobility documents to upload to the Mobility online platform, it is necessary to upload also the latest Learning Agreement (European Standard, not the Summary) complete with signatures, only if it has been modified.
If the change consists in the deletion of a course, it is not necessary to ask for the approval of the Host Institution. We can consider the first LA valid.
All passed exams in the Transcript of Records (ToR) must be present in the last LA, otherwise they will not be recognised.
Transcript of records
The Transcript of Records is the certifcate of the activities carried out abroad (exams, thesis, placement work) with the relative numbers of credits and assessment, issued by the Host Institution at the end of the mobility, and is integral in order to carry out the recognition. In order to be recognised, all activities submitted in the Transcript of Records must also be included in the Learning Agreement, previously approved on Uniweb by the Academic Coordinator in Padova and countersigned by the Host University.
The Transcript of Records and any letters of thesis/internship should be sent by e-mail from the Host Institution directly to erasmus@unipd.it (not through the student). Any certificates of language exams taken and not included in the transcript of records for which recognition must also be sent.
Only a Transcript of Records with an electronic signature (generally an alfanumeric code that allows the verification of the signature) can be sent to erasmus@unipd.it directly by the student
For students participating in the Erasmus+ for studies Programme, it is compulsory to gain at least 12 credits. For students going abroad for thesis and placement work which do not use a credit system, the number of credits registered will be taken into consideration. Failure to meet this requirement will lead to a Zero Grant mobility status and any funds already given will have to be reimbursed. Doctoral students are exempt from this rule.
Declaration of Thesis/Placement work
and Proposal for recognition of credits for thesis
Often in the Transcript of Records issued by the Partner University, activities of Thesis/Placement work are not certified. In these cases, the Host Institution should send directly to erasmus@unipd.it the Short Evaluation Report for Thesis Work / Traineeship. It is a declaration that provides a brief description of the work carried out, originally signed by the supervisor abroad, with date and stamp.
In addition, the student (or the Italian thesis supervisor), must send by e-mail to the same address the Proposal for Recognition of Credits for Thesis abroad that establishes the number of credits that the Italian supervisor is willing to recognise for the thesis work (not required for placement work).
The templates for these documents are available at the end of this page.
Note that activities of exclusively Placement/Internship work are not eligible under the Erasmus+ For Studies Programme, leading to the cancellation of the student’s Erasmus status, as well as the reimbursement of any funds already given. Therefore, together with Placement work, it is always necessary to submit certification of study activities (exams, language courses, seminars).