Celebrating March 8
The series of meetings proposed by the University in celebration of International Women's Day (March 8) is an opportunity to reflect on and discuss gender equality and the global movement to end the violence and violated rights of women, welcoming a range of voices of all ages from the public and student communities.
> February 27: Global Women's Breakfast 2024: Catalyzing Diversity in Science, Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences and Department of Chemical Sciences
> February 28: A Una al giorno (A woman each day) short film projection, Department of Statistical Sciences, in collaboration with the Alumni Association and the Cug
> March 1-14: Lectures on gender equality and equal opportunity International Women's day events at the School of Psycology, School of Psychology
> March 6: open lesson La donna nel mondo del lavoro: profili penali, Department of Public, International and European Union Law
> March 6 - May 9: Incroci di genere, a series of meetings dedicated to "Donne e uomini nella trappola della violenza" - Centro di Ateneo Elena Cornaro per i saperi, le culture e le politiche di genere
> March 7: meeting and dramatized reading Under adult supervision Department of Linguistic and Literary Studies
> March 8: Tiepolo, Agata, Caterina e le altre negli anniversari dei Tiepolo. Santità femminili nelle cappelle radiali della basilica del Santo, Department of Historical and Geographic Sciences and the Ancient world - dissgea and Department of Cultural Heritage: Archaeology and History of Art, Cinema and Music
> March 8: Beyond Silence, the My Venice Orchestra concert
> March 8: open class La costruzione storica del femminile e del maschile in Occidente, in the contest of the General Course "Genere, saperi, giustizia sociale"
> March 8: workshop Intercultural Competence, Diversity & Inclusion and survey on equity, inclusion and sustainability for dSEA graduates - Department of Economics and Management "Marco Fanno"
> March 8: May 9: series of events Donne nella cultura Department of Cultural Heritage: Archaeology and History of Art, Cinema and Music
> March 9: monologue by Alina Kostyukova She is, Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies
> March 12: Riconoscere la violenza di genere, meeting with Padua anti-violence center, Department of Information Engineering
March 14: guided visit Visit @ Beato - Speciale Festa della Donna "Donne tra arte, servizio e spiritualità", Beato Pellegrino Library
> March 15: La convenzione di Istanbul e il dovere generale di prevenire la violenza domestica e di genere, Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies
> March 25 marzo: open lesson La promozione della parità di genere nella disciplina in materia di contratti pubblici,Department of Public, International and European Union Law
> March 25 - May 15: Cambiamo i copioni per non ripetere la stessa storia DISSGeA workshops on gender-based violence and discrimination kick off with spectacle Brucio d'amore
> April 16: meeting with the scinfic journalist Angela Saini Anche la scienza soffre di stereotipi
> available on all free audio platforms (Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Spreaker, Google Podcasts) the podcast She, green is a six-episode story, which gives voice to the persistent and courageous struggles, sometimes in the face of isolation and hostility, of long-sighted women who refuse to sacrifice the common good to the demands of unequal and unjust development
> on March 8, the news series"DeGenere: Acting Without Forgetting" produced in collaboration with the Department of Developmental and Socialization Psychology, which chronicles gender-based violence from different psychological perspectives through the latest and most current scientific data and research, will be released
Initiatives 2023
> March 3: Donne leader. Traiettorie per una leadership consapevole - University of Padua
> March 6: (R)ESISTENZE. Uno sguardo geografico su "Donne di Terre Estreme" di Caterina Borgato - Museum of Geography of the University of Padua
> March 7: A conversation with Bita Malakuti - Aula B1, Ca' Borin complex
> March 7 - 16: Lezioni aperte sul tema della parità di genere e delle pari opportunità - School of Psychology
> March 8: Siria. Voci di donne, echi di guerra - Department of Linguistic and Literary studies
> March 8: Fisppa Seminar Philoxenos. Conversazioni in ricordo di Bruna Giacomini, with the intervention of Psicoanalisi e questioni di genere. Accordi e disaccordi
> March 8: Thematic tour Tracce Femminili a Palazzo del Bo
> March 8: At the Botanical Garden free acces for women
> March 8: Palazzo del Bo: free access and free guided tours for women
> March 8: 8 per tutte: take a photo of you in front of the "Stories of Women" campaign posters (see below), post it on Instagram with the tag @unipadovasustainable or send it. The most original and creative photos will be share as posts on the IG Unipadovasustainable profile
> March 8: È l'8 marzo. Fotografiamoci! Taking a group photo with all the women of the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, with a dedication to young women who want to pursue a career in STEM
> March 8: L'8 marzo al Dipartimento di Matematica: female students and staff of the department meet to take a photo together as a testimony to the presence of women in mathematics and computer science disciplines
> March 9: #saperidigenere - Department of Information Engineering
> March 30: Vive! Eroine che si ribellano al loro tragico destino - Centro di ateneo Elena Cornaro