City Museums and Exhibitions
Antonian Museum
Re-opened in 1995, this museum offers a huge array of treasures, to see such as paintings, sculptures, plaster works, sacred paraments, tapestries and goldwork collections.
Piazza del Santo 11
t 049.8603236
Cappella degli Scrovegni and the Eremitani
Giotto’s decorations for the world famous Scrovegni Chapel were commissioned in 1303 by Enrico Scrovegni to save the soul of his father, a wealthy money-lender. The frescoes, depicting episodes from the life of Christ, were completed in 1305.
According to experts, Giotto’s work represents the birth of modern painting and culture. For the first time in history, the characters are removed from the canons of Byzantine and medieval art and acquire their own unique features.
Particularly worthy of note are the colours, especially the wonderful lapis lazuli blue, used to represent the sky.
Outside is the Roman Arena, still used as an open-air cinema in the summer, and nearby are the Eremitani City Museums with their collections, which include works by Giorgione, Titian, Veronese, Canova, Tiepolo, and many others.
Near the Museum stands the Eremitani Church, substantially rebuilt after its almost complete destruction by an Allied bomb in 1944. In the Ovetari Chapel is one of the first frescoed masterpieces by Andrea Mantegna, who originally came from Padova. What little remains of his beautiful work is the result of long and meticulous restoration, carried out by generations of experts using the most modern techniques.
Bookings required: t 049.2010020
Entrance from Eremitani City Museums
Opening times 9 am – 7 pm
Piazza Eremitani 8
t 049.8204551
Opening times 9 am – 7 pm
Closed on Mondays
Diocesan Museum
This museum contains sacred paintings, sculptures, religious furnishings, etc., and also hosts temporary exhibition.
Palazzo Vescovile (Bishop’s Palace)
Piazza Duomo 12
t 049.8761924
Esapolis - Museum of insects
A living museum housing insects and spiders.
Via dei Colli 28
t 049.8910189
Museum of Applied and Decorative Arts and Bottacin Museum - Palazzo Zuckermann
From ancient ceramics to 19th-century furniture, china/porcelain, silver, clothing, and fashion accessories. The Bottacin collection celebrates the history of money, from ancient coins to the first cheques and banknotes, and then to today’s money.
Palazzo Zuckermann
Corso Garibaldi 33
t 049.8205664
Museum of Pre-Cinema - Minici Zotti Collection
This museum tells the history of illuminated, coloured, animated images and “magic lanterns”, before the invention of the true cinema.
Palazzo Angeli - Prato della Valle 1
t 049.8763838
Museum of the Risorgimento and the Contemporary Age
This museum recounts 150 years of Paduan and Italian history, from the fall of the Venetian Republic in 1797 to the Proclamation of the Italian Constitution in 1948.
Piano Nobile del Caffè Pedrocchi
Galleria Pedrocchi 11
t 049.8781231
Museum of the Third Arrmy
Photographs, documents and maps regarding World War I military operations, mostly involving the Carso and
river Piave in north-east Italy, are on display here.
Palazzo Camerini
Via Altinate 59
t 049.8203430
Palazzo della Ragione
Construction of this enormous building - the Palace of Reason, or simply Il Salone (Great Hall) - was begun in 1218. Originally conceived as the civic and economic centre of the city, its upper floor was used as a court of law until the fall of the Venetian Republic in 1797.
Almost 100 years after it was built, the three rooms of the upper floor were transformed into a single great hall with a unique keel-shaped roof. The walls were decorated by Giotto with a highly detailed and colourful astrological cycle in three bands of frescoes. At one end stands an immense wooden horse, said to be the model for Donatello’s statue of the condottiere Gattamelata (now outside the Basilica of St. Anthony).
Over the centuries, the magnificent Salone has been damaged by several fires and even a hurricane, but always lovingly restored. Its outer medieval porticoes on both sides of the ground floor now house shops selling all kinds of meat, cheese, fish, and other foodstuffs.
It is now used for exhibitions and events.
Entrance from “Scala delle Erbe”
Piazza delle Erbe; disabled entrance in
Palazzo Moroni, Via del Municipio 1
t 049.8205006
Winter opening times 9 am – 6 pm
Summer opening times 9 am – 7 pm
closed on Monday
Palazzo Zabarella
Exhibition space devoted to temporary events.
Via San Francesco 27
t 049.8753100
A three-dimensional representation of cosmic space, reproducing the causes and motions of celestial phenomena.
Via Cornaro 1/B
t 049.773677
San Gaetano Cultural Centre
Once the ancient Law Courts, San Gaetano is now a new cultural centre for exhibitions and events. It also houses the City Library (Biblioteca Civica).
Via Altinate 71
t 049.8205572
St. Anthony's Museum
This space is devoted to temporary exhibitions.
Piazza del Santo 12
t 049.8751105