The Veneto region
Padua is only one of the Veneto’s seven provinces, each of which is home to beautiful natural scenery and internationally renowned works of art. Venice is 30-40 minutes away by train and so is within easy reach, making it the perfect destination for a day trip or even a special night out.
Once you have seen the old city centre of Venice, why not take a trip to its stunning lagoon islands (Murano, Burano, Torcello...)? They are just a short water-bus ride from the S. Zaccaria stop in St. Mark’s Square or from Fondamente Nove. The province of Venice also has a host of coastal resorts with great beaches and nightlife.
Rovigo is another of the Veneto’s ‘cities on water’; it is the largest town in Polesine, the area at the mouth of the river Po and one of the region’s beautiful natural parks. It is the perfect place for excursions through reed-beds, lagoons and valli (fish-farm ponds) where you can see and photograph a wide variety of plants and more than 370 species of birds.
From the plains of the Po, we head towards the mountains: Belluno has historical palazzi and a major art gallery, and is also a gateway to the Dolomites. This mountain range in the Eastern Alps is famed for its colours and shapes, and is a favourite with walkers in summer and skiers in winter.
Treviso stands at the heart of the Veneto, and has a beautiful historic city centre. But the surrounding area is also studded with gems, such as the old hilltop town of Asolo, and Possagno, which is a shrine to the Neoclassical sculptor Antonio Canova.
Further west, Vicenza vaunts works by Andrea Palladio, one of the greatest architects of the 16th century. His style is on display throughout the town, as well as in villas in the surounding countryside.
Verona has its Roman Arena, which is one of Italy’s most breathtaking examples of ancient Roman architecture. In the summer, its steps are thronged with people from all over the world, who come to the opera festival held there. Nearby, the Lake Garda, on the border between the Veneto and Lombardy, is home to yet more beautiful landscapes and scenery.