ERC FP7: Fabrizio Nestola
Project: INIDMEDEA - Inclusions in diamonds: messengers from the deep Earth (2013-2018)
ERC Grantee: Fabrizio Nestola
Department: Geosciences
Total Contribution: Euro 1.423.464,00
Project Duration in months: 72
Start Date: 01/01/2013
End Date: 01/01/2019
Fabrizio Nestola is Full Professor of Mineralogy at the Department of Geosciences.
He completed his Master degree in Geological Sciences at the University of Torino (1999) and his PhD in Mineralogy (2003) at the University of Modena. He then was Alexander von Humboldt research fellow at the Bayerisches Geoinstitut in Germany (2004) and postdoctoral researcher at Virginia Tech, USA (2005), and in 2006 obtained a permanent position at the University of Padova. His research interests focus on diamond and its mineral inclusions, and specifically on compressibility, thermal expansion, physical properties of minerals and crystalline compounds, and on crystal structure evolution under non-ambient conditions. In 2012, he obtained an ERC Starting grant for the project INDIMEDEA (2013-2018), which aims to determine the depths and growth mechanisms of diamond formation by characterising the mineral inclusions in diamonds. He published 196 papers in peer-reviewed journals (ISI Web of Science: total citations 1707, h-index 22) and he has also been awarded a prize for best PhD thesis by the Italian Society of Mineralogy and Petrology (2003), the Medal for excellence in research by the European Mineralogical Union (2010) and the Mario Nardelli Prize by the Italian Association of Crystallography (2011).