ERC: Manuele Faccenda

Download Project: NEWTON - NEw Windown inTO Earth's iNterior (2018- 2023)

Manuele Faccenda


ERC Grantee: Manuele Faccenda

Department: Geosciences

Total Contribution: Euro 1.466.030,00

Project Duration in months: 60

Start Date: 01/03/2018
End Date: 28/02/2023

Personal page


Manuele Faccenda is Associate Professor of Geophysics at Dipartimento di Geoscienze.

He obtained his M.Sc. in Geology at Università di Perugia in 2005, and successively obtained his PhD in Geophysics at Institute of Geophysics, ETH Zürich, Switzerland, in 2010. He was postodoctoral fellow at School of Geosciences, Monash University, 2010-2012, after which he moved to Università di Padova. His research activity focuses on the numerical modelling of Earth’s interior processes, aiming at understanding the deep dynamics and structure of our planet. He is author and co-author of 25 publications in peer-reviewed journals, including 2 review articles, more than 50 conference abstracts and more than 20 invited oral presentations in conferences and departmental seminars. He was recipient of several awards, including the Flinn-Hart Award (2013) and the Arne Richter Award (2015). In 2017, his research project NEWTON (NEw Window inTO Earth’s iNterior) was awarded with an ERC-Starting Grant to develop a new methodology that combines state-of-the-art geodynamic modelling and seismological methods. As a major outcome it is expected to provide a new, geodynamically and seismologically constrained perspective of the current deep structure and tectono-magmatic evolution of different tectonic settings.