ERC: Graziano Martello
ERC Grantee: Graziano Martello
Department: Molecular Medicine
Total Contribution: Euro 1.498.232,00
Project Duration in months: 60
Start Date: 01/10/2017
End Date: 30/09/2022
Graziano Martello is Associate Professor at the Department of Biology.
He completed his Master degree in Medical Biotechnologies (2005) and his PhD in Developmental Biology (2009) at the University of Padua. From 2010 and 2014 he worked as a Human Frontier Science Program Postdoctoral fellow at the WT-MRC Stem Cell Institute of Cambridge University (UK), studying Embryonic Stem cells. In 2015 he returned to Italy and set up his independent research laboratory thanks to a Career Development Award of The Giovanni Armenise-Harvard foundation and a DTI Career Development Award from Italian Telethon Foundation. His research focuses on the biology of Pluripotent Stem cells, such as induced Pluripotent Stem cells and Embryonic Stem cells, on how signalling pathways and metabolism control their differentiation and expansion. He has been awarded several Italian prizes and in 2016 an ERC Starting Grant.