ERC: Luka Dordevic

DocProject:  PhotoDark - Photocatalytic Reactions Under Light and Dark Using Transient Supramolecular Assemblies

Luka Dordevic


ERC Grantee: Luka Dordevic

Department: Chemical Sciences

Total EU Contribution: Euro 1.494.500,00

Project Duration in months: 60

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Luka Dordevic obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Trieste, working with Prof. Davide Bonifazi and Prof. Maurizio Prato on the synthesis of organic chromophores. During his Ph.D. he spent a year as visiting scholar at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard University. After graduating, he performed postdoctoral research with Prof. Prato (University of Trieste) and Prof. Bonifazi (Cardiff University), where he prepared and characterized heteroatom-doped molecules and nanomaterials. He then joined the group of Prof. Stupp (Northwestern University) as fellow at the Center for Bio-inspired Energy Science, working on supramolecular materials for solar fuels production. Recently, Luka joined the Department of Chemical Sciences at University of Padova. Here, thanks to the ERC starting grant, he established a laboratory to investigate strategies to convert, store, and use solar energy with organic molecules and materials.