ERC: Matteo Millan

Download Project: PREWArAs - The Dark Side of the Belle Époque. Political violence and Armed Associations in Europe before the First World War (2016-2021)

Matteo Millan


ERC Grantee: Matteo Millan

Department: Historical and Geographic Sciences and the Ancient World

Total Contribution: Euro 1.448.776,00

Project Duration in months: 60

Start Date: 01/10/2016
End Date: 30/09/2021

Personal page


Matteo Millan is Associate Professor of Contemporary History at the Department of Historical and Geographic Sciences and the Ancient World.

He completed his Master degree in Modern and Contemporary History (2007) and his PhD in History (2011) at the University of Padova. He conducted research on nationalist-populist armed movements in pre-WWI Europe as postdoctoral fellow at the University of Padova (2013-2014) and as Gerda Henkel Foundation M4Human Programme (COFUND MarieCurie Action) fellow at the University of Oxford (2013-2015). He also received a postdoctoral fellowship from the Irish Research Council and worked for nine months at the Centre for War Studies of the University College Dublin (2015-2016). His research interests focus on political violence in Europe and Italy in the first half of 20th century, and in particular the intelligence network of the Italian Resistance and the fascist squadrismo. In 2015, he obtained an ERC Starting grant for the project PREWArAs (2016-2021) to carry out a broad comparative research project on the role of various form of political violence and armed associations in various European countries in the twenty-five years leading up to the outbreak of World War I.

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