HR Excellence in Research – The European Charter for Researchers at the University of Padua

Since 2014, the University of Padua has been developing and implementing three-year Action Plans in order to fulfil the principles established by the European Charter for Researchers. As a consequence of the University's commitment in adopting policies which aim at supporting research staff, Unipd has been awarded the "HR Excellence in Research" award.
HR Excellence in Research – The European Charter for Researchers at the University of Padua
Since 2014, the University of Padua has been developing and implementing three-year Action Plans in order to fulfil the principles established by the European Charter for Researchers. As a consequence of the University's commitment in adopting policies which aim at supporting research staff, Unipd has been awarded the "HR Excellence in Research" award.
The European Charter for Researchers
In January 2000 the European Community has considered important to establish the European Research Area as the linchpin of the future EU action in this field, with a view to consolidating and restructuring the European research policy. To this end, on March 11, 2005 the European Community published the Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (C&C), complementary documents, addressing all researchers in the European Union, and containing a set of general principles and recommendations which specify the roles, responsibilities and entitlements of researchers as well as of employers and/or funders of researchers.
On December 18, 2023, the European Council formally adopted the Council Recommendation on a Framework for Research Careers, including a new European Charter for Researchers that replaces the previous 2005 version. This recommendation aims to establish a European research area able to attract and retain talent in research, innovation, and entrepreneurship by addressing current challenges such as mobility, career diversity, and working conditions. The new Charter includes 20 core principles divided into four pillars: ethics, evaluation and recruitment, working conditions, and talent development, to foster a more inclusive and sustainable research environment in Europe.
The goal is to create a more attractive and sustainable research environment by improving working conditions and opportunities for researchers across the EU. It is intended for all researchers in the European Union at all stages of their careers and applies to all fields of research in both the public and private sectors, regardless of the type of employment relationship, the legal status of the employer, or the type of organization or institution where the work is conducted.
HR Excellence in Research at UNIPD
As a research institution accredited by the European Commission with the recognition of the HR Excellence in Research award, the University of Padua has completed the implementation of the 2017-2019 Action Plan, extended to 2020, and of the 2021-2023 Action Plan. UNIPD is now committed to the implementation of the current 2024-2026 Plan, made up of 24 actions based on the principles of the Charter for Researchers.
The key initiatives concern, among others, the following principles: career development, access to research training and continuous development, access to career advice, value of mobility, evaluation/appraisal systems, public engagement, working conditions, funding and salaries, participation in decision-making bodies, recruitment, judging merit, recognition of the profession and non-discrimination
HR Strategy and Action Plans
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