Erasmus+: School of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine
This webpage contain specific information for students of the School of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine who are enrolled in degree courses belonging to the following Departments
- Department of Agronomy, Food, Natural Resources, Animals and the Environment- DAFNAE
- Department of Animal Medicine, Production and Health– MAPS
- Department of Comparative Biomedicine and Food Science– BCA
- Department of Land, Environment, Agriculture and Forestry- TESAF
Mobility Unit Desk
Susanne Kloehn
Corte benedettina - Campus di Agripolis via Roma n. 34 - Legnaro, Italy
Tel.: +39 049 827 9425
Fax (+39) 049 827 2529
E-mail erasmus.agripolis@unipd.it
Front desk: Tuesdays and Thursdays 9 – 12 in person or online via zoom
Moodle della Scuola AMV Mobility (Erasmus)
link a: https://elearning.unipd.it/scuolaamv/enrol/index.php?id=3227
Call 2025/26
Partner Universities
All administrative information is provided in the Erasmus+ for Studies Call
You may find useful videos and tutorials on the Projects and Mobility Office Mediaspace Channel "Studying Abroad"
It is recommended that the student consults the webpages of the partner Universities (paying close attention to the academic courses on offer) and that they read attentively the notes for each destinations or and in the dedicated webpages provided by the Departments or by the Degree courses. In the activity proposal to be attached to the application on Uniweb, the student has to provide the names (in the original language) of the courses chosen.
Destination universities are available in the new interactive platform: www.unipd.it/mobility-agreements
You must select your course of study from the Study field drop-down menu. In the platform, the total number of months indicated under Number for each agreement must be divided by the number of available places indicated under Total number.
Admission requirements
First-year students:
First Call: All students can apply
Second Call: Students who have at least 15 CFU recorded on Uniweb can apply
Before the departure all students must have at least 40 CFU recorded on Uniweb.
Students of the second and third year: Students who have at least 40 CFU recorded on Uniweb can apply.
All Master's degree and PhD students automatically meet the minimum requirements and are therefore eligible.
First year students:
First Call: All students can apply
Second Call: Students who have at least 10 CFU recorded on Uniweb can apply
Before the departure all first-year students must have 40 CFU recorded on Uniweb.
Students of the second year and successive years:
Students must have at least 40 CFU recorded on Uniweb in order to apply.
Submitting the application
Students in the School of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine can choose three destinations, in order of preference. If students do not have a second or third choice, they are free to choose only one or two destinations.
Fill in the online application form on Uniweb and follow the instructions.
Recommendations on the choice of destination
- Select destinations based on your course of study
- Carefully consider the School/Department/Faculty indicated (e.g. since we have several destinations with more than one Erasmus agreement – make sure you apply for the right one, foreseen for your study programme
- Read the notes inside the description of the destinations on the mobility (e.g. if there is an indication of “no thesis”, there is no point in applying with the intention of doing the Master thesis research)
- Check the language of instruction and the language requirements on the website of the foreign institution under Language requirements and try to understand if the choice of that institution is feasible on the basis of your language skills
- Look at the courses offered on the website of the foreign institution to see if what you could do abroad is useful for your career.
- Check if the courses are held at the hosting institution during the semester which you choose for your mobility period (e.g. you might depart for course work during the first semester, so you will not be able to follow courses which are offered during the second semester at the hosting institution)
- Contact the coordinator of your degree course or his Erasmus delegate to find out more information about the recognition of the courses, e.g. in case of doubts if the course contents are eligible for substituting a course of your Unipd study plan
- If you want to go for thesis work, find a thesis supervisor, the thesis title can be developed later, you should know with whom you will work and where
- Inform yourself about living expenses, transport, accommodation etc. and for NON EU students about Visa requirements etc.
Selection criteria
The list of successful applicants is based on the following criteria:
Weighted average
The weighted average for students of master degrees includes the result of the Bachelor degree.
For PhD students the result of the Master degree is included in the calculation.
The credits are assessed in relation to the official study plan. The calculation is based on the number of credits acquired by the student and registered on Uniweb in relation to the credits foreseen by the study plan.
Linguistic competences
The level of language competence is assessed on the basis of a certificate or a registered exam in the student’s career:
1 point for B1 level and 2 points for B2 level of language competence based on the European Framework. The points can be awarded only if the certification refers to the language of instruction at the host university (if students are choosing lectures held in other languages than English, we can only take into account certifications of these languages).
Students enrolled in a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree course that is taught in English will receive 2 points if they choose lectures in English at the host university.
If students have taken a foreign exam, a copy of the certificate can be used as proof of their language proficiency and two points can be awarded. The official certifications and their conversion is available on the webpage: https://cla.unipd.it/test-linguistici/certificazioni/
Thesis work
Two points will be awarded to students, who declare to intend a study period abroad for “research/final project”. Students have to provide the signed declaration of the thesis supervisor or the academic coordinator (Attachment 1A of the Erasmus application) which includes the name of the supervisor from the hosting university.
In cases of students with the same number of total points, the Academic Coordinator (responsabile di flusso) will organize an interview to choose the most motivated candidate. For students who apply for destinations Erasmus+ outside Europe the interview is mandatory.
List of successful applicants
Priority will be given to students who have not previously taken part in the Erasmus programme. Students who are enrolled in degree courses which belong to the Erasmus bilateral agreement have priority over students who are enrolled in different degree courses (see list of partner universities).
The final ranking will be approved by a commission of four professors, representing the 4 departments of the School of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine (BCA, DAFNAE, MAPS and TESAF).
The lists of successful students will be published exclusively on the Erasmus+ for Studies page.
These will be the only methods of publication.
There will be no personal communications, neither written nor by telephone.
Successful students must accept their place according to the formats and timings indicated on the page Accept Erasmus Place and prepare the documents Before mobility.
See also: https://www.unipd.it/en/before-mobility-erasmus-out
Thesis work abroad
The Erasmus+ for studies programme allows students to choose thesis work or a part of the research for the Master thesis as activity at the hosting institution. It is also possible to combine thesis work and courses.
We recommend to check first if the destination is able to host students for thesis work, that will be stated among the information on www.unipd.it/mobility-agreements. If you should find in the descriptions “no thesis” then the host university will not accept you as Erasmus+ for studies student. An alternative can be Erasmus+ for traineeship in that case.
Before applying for the thesis work students have to contact the hosting institution or the Italian academic coordinator or should have an Italian supervisor in order to have the confirmation that the hosting institution is available to host the student.
Only after the confirmation that the hosting institution is able to host the student, the student who is applying for Erasmus for thesis work has to fill the attachment 1A (proposal of activities). The documents has to be signed from the Italian supervisor or from the Academic coordinator who confirms that the students is applying for Erasmus for thesis work.
For the Master degree programmes Italian Food and Wine; Biotechnologies for Food Science; Food and Health the attachment 1A will be signed from the Coordinator of the study programme or his Erasmus delegate (see the list below - Programme coordinator and Erasmus delegates).
Students can define the thesis title in a later stage.
Learning Agreement and recognition of the activities carried out abroad
Before Mobility
Students must fill in the Learning Agreement (LA) on Uniweb before their departure. The LA must include the online links to the programmes of the courses to be attended abroad.
Students can choose to insert in the Learning Agreement courses, which substitute core courses of their study plan, optional courses or free electives. Annex 3 of each degree course gives information about the course structures: https://en.didattica.unipd.it/.
If students want to substitute courses from their study plan the course content should be similar to the courses offered by the host institution. In case of study programmes with optional courses, it might be necessary to change first the study plan in Padova and then proceed with the compilation of the Learning Agreement.
Elective courses do not need to match with the courses of the study plan. The students will have to change the study plan after the mobility period.
The approval of the Learning Agreement is based on the similarity between the courses of the study plan of the student and the ones available at the host institution.
Students must keep in mind that their chosen courses abroad must match to the courses in Padova from the same semester, in which the mobility takes place.
Please follow the instructions on the webpage of the Projects and Partnership Office about submitting and changing the Learning Agreement.
The Learning Agreement will be approved by the Programme coordinator or a professor in charge as Erasmus delegate. You find the list on the webpage.
Once the LA has been approved on Uniweb, the student will have to send it to the Receiving Institution for their final approval.
During Mobility
The same procedure described above is foreseen if the student wants to change their Learning Agreement. The student is allowed to change it only once per semester and no later than 15 days from the starting date of the classes at the host university. It is highly recommended to keep a copy of any documentation.
For changes of the Learning Agreement please follow the instructions on the webpage: https://www.unipd.it/en/during-mobility-erasmus-out
After Mobility
See: https://www.unipd.it/en/after-mobility-erasmus-out.
The Transcript of Records and the Evaluation report for thesis/internship should be sent by e-mail from the Host Institution directly to erasmus@unipd.it.
The Mobility Desk of the School will send the certified copy of the transcript to the student. The student has to upload it inside the Uniweb account. See: Instructions for Completing the Learning Agreement in Uniweb.
For the conversion of foreign credits to Italian credits (out of thirty) according to European rules, consult the conversion of the grades and ECTS table.
The Programme coordinator or Erasmus delegate of the degree programme will prepare the registration and the conversion of grades. Students receive and email about the completion of the process and have 7 days to check the grade conversion. If students don’t have objections the Student’s career office will proceed with the registration of the exams.