Erasmus+: School of Engineering
This page contains specific information on Erasmus+ for students in the School of Engineering and therefore for the following Departments:
- Department of Management and Engineering - DTG
- Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering - ICEA
- Department of Information Engineering - DEI
- Department of Industrial Engineering - DII
For all other information relating to Erasmus+, students should refer to the Erasmus + for studies Call.
Mobility Unit Desk
Jorida Cullhaj
Receiving: by phone or Zoom only by appointment
Telephone: +39 049 827 7725
Email: erasmus.ingegneria@unipd.it
Call 2025/26
Partner Universities
All administrative information is provided in the Erasmus+ for Studies Call.
You may find useful videos and tutorials on the Projects and Mobility Office Mediaspace Channel "Studying Abroad".
Students from the School of Engineeringcan apply for two destinations, in order of preference.
It is recommended that the student consults the webpages of the partner Universities (paying close attention to the academic courses on offer) and that they read attentively the notes for each destinations or and in the dedicated webpages provided by the Departments or by the Degree courses. In the activity proposal to be attached to the application on Uniweb, the student has to provide the names (in the original language) of the courses chosen.
Destination universities are available in the new interactive platform: www.unipd.it/mobility-agreements
You must select your course of study from the Study field drop-down menu. In the platform, the total number of months indicated under Number for each agreement must be divided by the number of available places indicated under Total number.
It is necessary to note down all relevant information (e.g. Erasmus code, Academic Coordinator, ISCED/area of study) in order to select the correct destination in Uniweb.
Recommendations on the choice of destination
- Select destinations based on your course of study
- Carefully check the cycle for which the agreement has been signed (if there is the indication 1, this means that the agreement is aimed exclusively at students in cycle 1 = three-year course, if there is the indication 2, this means that the agreement is aimed exclusively at students in cycle 2 = master's degree, if there is the indication 3, this means that the agreement is aimed exclusively at students in cycle 3 = doctorate)
- Carefully consider the School/Department/Faculty indicated (e.g. if the student is interested in the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, he/she should be careful to apply for the correct location. That is, for example, if he/she is from Civil Engineering, he/she will have to apply for Prof. Peruzzo's stream which has an agreement with the ETSECCPB School)
- Read the notes (if there is an indication of thesis only, there is no point in applying with the intention of doing courses).
- Check the language requirements on the website of the foreign institution under Language requirements and try to understand if the choice of that institution is feasible on the basis of your language skills.
- Look at the courses offered on the website of the foreign institution to see if what you could do abroad is useful for your career.
- Contact the relevant flow professor to find out more information, if any, about the host school
Submitting the Application
Students can apply for two destinations in order of preference.
For information on the application procedure and the relevant documents, visit the page Apply to Erasmus.
Selection criteria and assigning of places
You can indicate two destinations, but it is only possible to win for ONE destination:
- If you win for your first choice, you will not remain in the ranking lists for your second choice (your name will be deleted from the 2nd choice)
- If you win for your second choice, you will not remain on the ranking list for your first choice (your name will be deleted from the 1st choice)
- if you are eligible in both choices but you’re not the winner, you will remain on the ranking list for both destinations (for possible replacements following the refusal of the winners)
- if you are not eligible in one or both of the choices for administrative or didactic reasons, your name won’t be published in the rankings but your matricular number will be inserted among the list of non eligible students which is normally placed at the bottom of the rankings
The selection of students and the assigning of places is decided by the Academic Coordinator on the basis of merit, time spent at the University and the productivity of the student according to Uniweb; as outlined by the regulations from the School of Engineering, which were recently redefined. Any data cannot be modified in any way.
The School regulations allow Academic Coordinators the possibility to, where they deem appropriate, award additional points to candidates, for certain parameters:
- year of mobility: points awarded by the Coordinator to favor or oppose a mobility in certain years of the student’s career
- language: points awarded for knowledge of the hosting country’s language, based on the certification required;
- course of study in relation to that of the exchange: points assigned by the Coordinator to favor students in courses of study that relate to those at the Host Institution. If the Host University proposes mandatory courses for the area of study, the Coordinator can exclude ‘fuori area’ students
- thesis and courses abroad: points assigned to favor thesis work or courses at the Host Institution. If the Host University proposes obbligatory conditions for study activities, the Coordinator can exclude students whose programmes of study do not comply
- priority is given in the selection process to students who have not already taken part in an Erasmus+ exchange in the same study cycle, as indicated in the Call
- other factors available to the Coordinator (for example ‘lode’ in the degree, motivation etc.)
The final list of successful students for each exchange will be decided on the basis of the sum of ‘base points’ and any ‘Coordinator points’ (if assigned), as indicated in the School of Engineering’s regulations.
Thesis Work, Research and Internships Abroad
The Erasmus+ Programme allows students the chance to carry out thesis work, research and internships at the university abroad.
Students intending to carry out the abovementioned activities must prepare a letter, signed by their Supervisor in Padova (or if the student is not yet able to define the argument or supervisor, the Academic Coordinator). For this letter students should use the model available online and it should include a declaration of the Supervisor’s support of the activity abroad.
Language knowledge
The level of linguistic knowledge is not strictly required at the time of the application on Uniweb.
Despite this, the applicant must be aware that the Host University may request a certified language knowledge of a particular level. In this case, the language level is considered one of the Host University’s pre-requisites and therefore must be achieved months before the departure.
The student must carefully check the webpages of the university abroad, (under the heading ‘Language Requirements for Erasmus Students’) in order to check the requirements needed. Students are recommended to carefully weigh up the feasibility of gaining the necessary level or whether it would be better to choose another destination. The indications given in the file ‘list of exchanges’ reflect the requirements outlined by the agreement between the Partner University with the Università di Padova and can therefore contain information that is outdated or different from that indicated on their website, which is the most up-to-date and therefore reliable source.
In the event that the Host University requires specific language certifications (for example TOEFL, IELS etc.) students must independantly provide them.
List of Successful Students and Accepting on Uniweb
Successful students must accept the place according to the formats and timescales indicated on the page Accept or decline the Erasmus place.
Learning Agreement
For instructions on completing the Learning Agreement and the necessary documentation you may refer to the dedicated tutorial on the Projects and Mobility Office Mediaspace Channel "Studying Abroad" and you can also consult the page Submitting and changing the Learning Agreement, where specific indications for departments are outlined.
Before departing, all students with an Erasmus place must submit a Learning Agreement on Uniweb, in which the educational activities they will carry out (thesis work, courses etc.) are indicated. The Learning Agreement must be submitted:
- By 15th June for students that will depart in the first semester
- By 15th October for students that will depart in the second semester
After the Learning Agreement has been approved on Uniweb by the Academic Coordinator/Head of the Degree Course (or their delegate), the student must independently send the approved version in PDF format to the International/Erasmus Office at the Host University, requesting the signature of approval (which must be obtained before the departure).
After the approval by the Academic Coordinator, the student must have the Learning Agreement signed by the institution abroad and then, at the beginning of the stay, upload it under 'Student Area' on www.unipd.it/relint (it will be necessary to log in in order to access the appropriate link).
Most of the departments have specific indications regarding the Learning Agreement and the recognition process. Students must personally check the websites of their departments looking for the section devoted to Erasmus, if any.
- Department of Management and Engineering – DTG
- Department of Information Engineering – DEI
- Department of Industrial Engineering – DII
- Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering – ICEA
Recognition of activities undertaken abroad
The student may ask to recognize the activities carried out abroad only after the main desk erasmus@unipd.it acknowledges the receipt of the PDF of the Transcript of Records.
The Transcript of Records must correspond accurately to the Learning Agreement. The Mobility Desk in the School of Engineering contacts the student to start the process of recognition
The recognition of the activities carried out abroad must be completed considering the approved Learning Agreement and the indications given by the delibere of the Senato accademico on 13/04/2015 and 15/12/2020.
For the conversion of foreign votes to the Italian system (out of thirty) according to the shared European rules, students should consult the page: conversion of the grades and ECTS table.