
The University of Padua during Winter Holidays: education, services, and special events

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Educational activities will be suspended from Saturday, December 21, 2024, to Monday, January 6, 2025, but many events are scheduled during this period both at the University and in the city.

During the period from December 21, 2024, to January 6, 2025, all central administrative offices of the University, the University Switchboard - Centralino (049.827.5111), the Call Center (049.827.3131), and the Public Relations Office (URP) will be closed. Study rooms will remain open at varying hours and will close only on certain days (new hours will be available soon). The opening hours of the University Library System libraries may vary; additionally, the Open Science Advent Calendar, Unipd edition, has arrived at the SBA! For information on the closures of departments, decentralized offices, and other University structures, it is necessary to check their respective websites.

From December 22 to January 6, it is possible to visit Palazzo del Bo with a guided tour service: during the Christmas period, the tour “Palazzo Bo and the ‘900s of Gio Ponti” is available. Guided tours are suspended only on December 24-25-31 and January 1. The Guided Tours Booking Center (049 827 3939) is also active on the same days from 9 am to 5 pm. Additionally, until January 6, the ancient courtyard of Palazzo del Bo hosts the photographic exhibition "The Open Wounds of the Forests" by environmental photojournalist Michele Lapini, which tells of the terrible bark beetle epidemic currently affecting our forests, another devastating effect of the Vaia storm.

At the Botanical Garden, guided tours will be free until January 6 (on Fridays also in English). The Botanical Garden will be closed on December 25 and January 1, while on December 24 and 31, it will close early at 2 pm. On all other days, visits are possible during regular opening hours.

Even during the holidays, it is possible to visit Palazzo del Bo, the Botanical Garden, and the Museum of Nature and Humankind (with activities for children and families), individually or with the integrated Padua City of Science ticket. With the three-site ticket, you can also enjoy free access to initiatives at the Museum of Archaeological Sciences and Art, the Museum of Geography and the Giovanni Poleni Museum every Sunday afternoon and during holidays.

Throughout December, the Asiago Astronomical Observatory offers public events (here is the downloadable program of “Christmas Stars”), to play "Astrotombola," observe the night sky with experts, and participate in workshops.

The Unipd Store at Palazzo Bo is always open every day with continuous hours from 9 am to 6 pm (including Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays) until December 23, 2024; until that day, all items are also discounted by 20%, including on the website The store at Palazzo del Bo closes to the public on December 24 and will reopen after January 12, 2025. The store at the Botanical Garden follows the opening hours and days of the Garden.

The Cus Padova’s snow activities also return, offering discounted rates and free membership for Unipd students, faculty, and staff. In addition to regular courses, a cross-country skiing course and snow days are scheduled, along with discounts on ski passes and cross-country centers for Cus members.

During the Christmas holidays, from December 8 to January 6, the Municipality of Padua offers free admission to Palazzo della Ragione, Palazzo Zuckermann, the Eremitani Museum, and the Museum of the Risorgimento and Contemporary Age to Unipd students (with ID or badge), including Erasmus students, as well as all residents of Padua.
Furthermore, until January 26, students can skate at a discounted price at the ice rink in Prato della Valle, Padua.