UniverCity life
No course enrolment!
At Unipd you do not need to formally enrol in each one of the courses you will attend. You are enrolled in a degree course at Unipd University and that’s sufficient to attend classes.
“No course enrolment” does not mean that you don’t have to do anything: you will have to sign up for each course in the e-learning platform Moodle, use the OrariUnipd app to trace your attendance, fill out the Study Plan on Uniweb (see the section During your stay). You will receive detailed instructions during the Welcome Days, and through emails.
No course “shifts” on the timetable
When you look at a course timetable you will notice that there are 2-3 classes per week: it’s not course shifts you can choose from and attend just one class per week, you must attend all the classes, which are held on several days per week.
Class duration
The standard class duration is 45 minutes. When you have “2-hour” class on the same day, the Professor will tell you how they want to manage the total time: they could do 1h30 with no interruptions, they could start later, or they could take a break between the 2 “hours”.
Dates of exams
How to know when your final exams will be?
- The Professor will say it in the first class
- You can search on the Exam Sessions Board on Uniweb
- You can search on the Department website
- You can ask your fellow students at classes
Mandatory sign-up for exams!
A formal sign-up for the final exams (and modules/partial exams) is necessary: you are not automatically allowed to take them! The reason is that you are allowed to choose which one of the 2 available dates you want to give an exam on, so you will have to sign up during the registration window that precedes the date of the exam. You will do this online on Uniweb, roughly 2-3 weeks before the date of the exam.
How to contact and address Professors
If you need to get in touch with the Professor responsible for a course unit, you need to know where to find their contact information and how to address them.
You can search for their surname in the search field of the online course catalogue, you will see all the classes they teach and if you click on their name you will land on their personal page reporting all the info: email address, office address, office hours, etc.
When you address Professors, remember that in Italy we tend to be pretty formal in this kind of relationship (unless it’s the Professor that tells you differently): don’t call them by their first name and always use the title (ie: “Dear Professor Rossi”, not “Dear Mario”). And if you are writing or speaking in Italian, use the courtesy form (“Lei”).
You should always introduce yourself when you send an email, signing with your full name and possibly with your student ID number (“matricola”).
Social rules and Italian law
- In Italy you should have your personal ID card always on you. It is also mandatory giving your name, surname and personal data to any public officer/civil service employee that requests to see it in order to identify you. If you are an extra-EU student and your only ID is your passport, you can carry with you a photocopy of the main pages in case you need to be identified.
- In Italy we have a waste recycling system. You will need to use separate bins at home and then dispose of your waste in the public bins located in the streets or confer them during the door to door collection. You should search for the info related to the place where you live (if you live in Padua, you can see here the map and the different systems according to where you live:
https://www.acegasapsamga.it/clienti/casa/casa_servizio_ambiente/casa_aaa_ambiente_raccolta_differenziata/32372.html) - In Padua we use bicycles a lot, but don’t forget you still have to respect the traffic laws just like other vehicles: don’t ride against traffic, on sidewalks or under the arcades.
- Remember to be respectful of your neighbours' privacy and spaces when you live in a block of flats/apartment house: respect the “silent hours” specified in the house’s regulation (you can ask for it to the landowner), don’t leave the house waste on the landing, maintain the common area in good order.
Relevant procedures - Joint/double Degrees
Double/Joint Degrees (homepage)
Before your arrival
On your arrival
During your stay
At the end of your stay