On your arrival - Double/Joint Degrees
Step 1: Student card and registration of arrival
Students who stay in an ESU dorm can pick up their student card at the SASSA Service. They must make an appointment for the earliest available date after their arrival, this can be done from the reserved area of ESU online portal ("Sportello studente"), by clicking on the calendar icon in the top right corner.
If you have private accommodation you need to inform the Mobility Unit of your arrival date and accommodation address. You will also need to book an appointment to meet the Mobility Unit in order to register your arrival and receive your UNIPD student card. Appointments are scheduled from the week before to the week after the beginning of the semester. Students will receive an email from the Mobility Unit with detailed information on how and when to book the appointment.
Step 2: Enrolment
Please remember that your temporary numeric username to access Uniweb will change into the student username after your enrolment. The new username will be "name.surname@studenti.unipd.it" (as in your ID/passport and as registered in Uniweb). If your temporary numeric username stops working it might mean that you have been enrolled, so you can access with the new student username.
The password you set during the first activation of the account will remain the same after you are enrolled, but it expires every 3 months.
We will ask you to sign an Enrolment form some time after your arrival, this document will be sent by email, you should print it, sign it, scan it and send it back to the Mobility Unit.
If you also have an Erasmus scholarship (or any other type of scholarship) and you need us to sign your Arrival Certificate, please let us know by email (mobility.in@unipd.it).
Step 3: Enrolment contribution (if applicable)
Depending on your study programme, you might be required to pay an enrolment fee of € 200, covering the mandatory national taxes on enrolment (€ 16.00) and on students’ services (€ 184).
You should pay the fee through PagoPA, a payment method which guarantees safe and reliable electronic payments to the public administration. To make the payment, access your personal Uniweb page and click on ‘Right to university studies, disability, disclosure, summer courses’ > Payments’. For further information on how to pay via PagoPA: https://www.unipd.it/en/pagopa
Step 4: Residence permit for non-EU citizens
(Please also refer to the detailed Guide sent by email by the Mobility Desk).
The residence permit application must be submitted within 8 working days (from Monday to Friday), the first day that counts being the first full day after arriving in Italy.
The Mobility Unit will contact you after your arrival and will tell you how to start the procedure.
Students must gather all the following required items:
- 4 passport format pictures
- 1 “marca da bollo” (revenue stamp) of 16,00 Euro, to be bought at a tobacconist
- Insurance: photocopy of the policy/certificate. An acceptable medical insurance for Italian residence permit must provide evidence of a national office based in Italy to be contacted in case of emergency. Students should be aware that the insurance used to obtain the visa may not comply with the requirements of the insurance for residence permit
- Confirmation of arrival: the Mobility Desk will provide by email this document stating the arrival date and the duration of the stay, required for the residence permit application
- Photocopy of all the written pages of the passport (the main page and all the pages with visas/stamps)
- Accommodation contract/hospitality declaration: all students who stay in the University’s residence halls will sign a contract upon arrival at SASSA Service (“Atto di accettazione alloggio”): a photocopy of the document will be included in the blue folder for residence permit application purposes. Students who chose a private accommodation, should include in their application either a photocopy of the signed contract or the “Comunicazione di ospitalità” (declaration of hospitality), which has to be sent by the landlord to the Immigration office no later than 48 hours after the student moved in the apartment;
- "Codice fiscale” (tax code): this document will be provided by email by the Mobility Desk.
Once the application for residence permit is ready, students are requested to personally send the envelope at a Post Office (“Poste Italiane”). The cost of the residence permit application, to be paid at the Post Office, is around 100,00 Euro.
The Post Office will issue 3 receipts that are the proof of application for the residence permit and that contain the following information:
- a sheet with the date of the appointment at the Immigration Office for the fingerprints;
- the receipt of payment of the application;
- a sheet containing a “username” and a “password”, which allow to check the status of the residence permit at the following website.
Students should take care of these 3 sheets as they attest the regular stay in italy until the police office issues the actual residence permit card (it is recommended to keep a photocopy in the wallet and to keep the original ones at home).
Once all the aforementioned procedures are completed, non-EU citizens are required to hand in or send by email the proof of the application for the residence permit to the International Office (mobility.in@unipd.it). Should the documents be sent by email, a colour scanned copy or a picture of each one of the 3 sheets received by the Post Office is required.
Step 5: Welcome Days
The Welcome Days are addressed to all incoming students taking part in a mobility programme and to international joint programmes students. They usually take place at the beginning of each semester and participation is warmly recommended for all students.
Relevant procedures - Joint/double Degrees
Double/Joint Degrees (homepage)
Before your arrival
On your arrival
During your stay
At the end of your stay