Before your arrival - Double/joint Degrees
Step 1: Previous study diplomas
In order to be enrolled at UniPD you will need to submit through the online Application form (see Step 3 below) the previous study diplomas giving access to the degree course you are going to attend in Padova:
For Bachelor's degree programmes:
- Secondary school diploma
For Master's degree programmes:
- Secondary School diploma
- Bachelor's degree diploma (or certificate) and full transcript of records
For 1-year short specialisation courses:
- Secondary school diploma
- Bachelor's degree diploma (or certificate) and full transcript of records
- Master's degree diploma (or certificate) and full transcript of records
We accept diplomas and transcripts in Italian, English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.
Should you have not yet completed the study course you are currently attending, please upload in the Application form the most recent Transcript of Records. You can send the diploma/certificate later by email to mobility.in@unipd.it.
Step 2: Health Insurance
EU students can use the EHIC - European Health Insurance Card for emergency healthcare.
Non-EU students residing outside EU need a private insurance valid for the visa application, thus submitting a valid insurance card/policy/certificate through the application form is recommended.
If you do not have an insurance at the time of completing your application form, you can send it later by email to mobility.in@unipd.it. Similarly, if you need assistance on the choice of a health insurance valid for both the visa and the residence permit, you can write to mobility.in@unipd.it. A few tips on international insurances are also available in our online Application form.
A medical insurance for a Schengen visa must meet the following criteria:
- medical coverage of at least €30,000
- coverage of emergency medical evacuation and repatriation of remains
The medical insurance for the Italian residence permit must meet the following criteria:
- be valid for the whole mobility period (even if - for visa purposes - some Embassies/Consulates accept insurances covering only a short period)
- provide evidence of a national office based in Italy to be contacted in case of emergency.
Step 3: Application
Filling out the Application form is mandatory.
- 15 June for the first semester and the full academic year
- 15 November for the second semester
Read carefully the instructions below and then fill out the form here
(Click on "International Students" on the top horizontal menu and then on "Application form for Double/Joint Degree students").
Documents to be uploaded through the online application:
- copy of your passport/ID card – mandatory document
- passport style photo – mandatory document
- previous study diplomas (University level) - mandatory document: we need the documents related to the degree that gives you access to the programme you will attend at Unipd, i.e. the Bachelor's degree if you will attend a Master's degree. You will have to upload IN ONE SINGLE FILE the diploma/graduation certificate and the complete Transcript or Records (or the Diploma Supplement). If you have not completed this programme yet, please upload the most recent Transcript of Records
- previous study diplomas (Secondary education level): we need information (name of School, date of graduation, duration, final grade or GPA) about the degree that gave you access to University education, i.e. a High School degree (the diploma is a mandatory document only if the degree was obtained in Italy, otherwise you just need to provide relevant information)
- health and travel insurance (if you already have one) – recommended document
- European residence permit or visa (if you have any): if you have more than one valid visa and/or permit, please merge them IN ONE SINGLE FILE and upload all of them
We accept diplomas and transcripts in Italian, English, Spanish, French, Portuguese.
After the application deadline, the missing/updated documents can be sent by email to mobility.in@unipd.it.
Double citizenship: if you have a second citizenship that allows you to enter Italy without a visa and to stay here without a residence permit (i.e.: an European citizenship), you should fill out all our forms using your extra-European personal data (surname, name, document data), mentioning also your second citizenship where requested and upload both the European and the extra-European passport.
Upon completion of “Step 3: Application procedure”, students should proceed to “Step 4: Accommodation”.
NB: Should you also benefit from an Erasmus scholarship, please remember that your Double/Joint Degree student status has the priority, so you should only follow the procedures mentioned in this section. Nonetheless, if you need your Learning Agreement to be signed, you can send it by email to the Professor responsible for your programme at Unipd, as informed in the first contact email received frommobility.in@unipd.it.
Step 4: Accommodation
Although double and joint degree students' requests for on-campus accommodation are prioritised, non European students' requests will be favoured (in consideration of the visa requirements about accommodation).
Further info on Accommodation form for incoming students.
Step 5: Non-EU students
Non-EU students resident outside EU must apply for a visa before arriving in Italy, by following the instructions provided by the Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs. An electronic copy of the invitation letter will be sent by email to the address indicated by the student during the Registration process.
Invitation letters will only be sent after the reception and administrative check of all the required Application documents.
The Projects and Mobility Office - Mobility Unit will not send any original invitation letter by post: the Italian Embassy/Consulate will receive it directly from UniPD via legal e-mail. The transmission of digital documents via legal e-mail ("PEC - Posta Elettronica Certificata") between Italian public administrations is legally equivalent to the transmission of original documents, and it complies with the digitalisation process undertaken by the Italian public administration in the past years.
In order to apply for a Schengen Visa, a health insurance is required. The criteria to be met by the insurance are described under the step "Health Insurance" (see above).
Non-EU students resident in the EU and holding a European residence permit may be exempted from the visa requirement.
- If your European permit is valid throughout the whole period of stay in Italy, you do not need a visa to enter Italy: you can just inform the Police of your arrival in Padua using the "Dichiarazione di presenza". This procedure costs only €16.00, but it won't allow you to work and you won't be able to remain in Italy after you have graduated from Unipd.
- If your European permit expires before the end of your stay in Italy and you won't renew it before coming to Padua, you might need to apply for an Italian visa in the EU country where you currently reside, and with the visa you will also have to apply for an Italian residence permit once you arrive in Italy. We will advise you on the better course of action once we know the exact expiration date of your current permit.
For any of these procedures a health insurance is required. The criteria to be met by the insurance are described under the step "Health Insurance" (see above).
Step 6: The Buddy service
A Buddy Service supports students under any exchange programme. Non-EU students do not need to request a Buddy, they will be assigned one automatically. EU citizens can request a Buddy before their arrival in Padua, we will let them know when they can do that. The task of a Buddy is to welcome exchange students and assist them, especially at the beginning. Your Buddy will get in contact with you before your arrival.
Step 7: Italian Language Course
Students can attend the Italian language courses offered by our language centre, CLA – Centro linguistico di Ateneo
The registration period opens around 2 weeks before language courses start. Further information are provided by filling in the CLA contact form available online.
Relevant procedures - Joint/double Degrees
Double/Joint Degrees (homepage)
Before your arrival
On your arrival
During your stay
At the end of your stay