
The Botanical Garden's Oriental plane shortlisted for the "Italian tree of the year 2022" award


The Platanus orientalis has been chosen to represent Padua Botanical Garden in the Italian Tree of the Year 2022 contest, established with the aim of celebrating trees as natural and cultural heritage to love and protect. The Oriental Plane is the oldest tree in the Botanical Garden and, despite age-related ailments and a deep 'wound' (probably caused by lightning), which crosses its trunk from top to bottom, every single day it welcomes visitors at the entrance with its majestic appearance.

The challengers are the huge banyan (Ficus macrophylla f. columnaris) of Palermo Botanical Garden, the Australian gem (Agathis robusta) of Rome Botanical Garden and the prickly paperbark (Melaleuca Styphelioides) of Naples Botanical Garden. The contest was launched during the Festival della Sostenibilità di Aquileia “Non Siamo Atlantide”. It is possible to vote until November 20, 2022: the winner will be announced on the World Tree Day, celebrated every year on November 21, and will have the honour to represent Italy in the European Tree of the Year 2023 contest.

Organised by the EPA (Environmental Partnership Association) since 2011 to promote the history of trees, as well as their connection to the people, the territory and the environment, the contest Tree of the Year includes nowadays 16 European countries. Italy has been participating since 2019 thanks to the Giant Trees Foundation, which organises the national contest in collaboration and with the support of the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies.

You can vote for the Oriental Plane every day until November 20.