
The University of Padua participates in Giretto d'Italia


The annually held European Mobility Week is an initiative that encourages communities to promote sustainable modes of transportation. As such, The University of Padua will join the Giretto d'Italia on Friday, September 16, 2022. The goal behind this competition between other communities and cities is to promote the use of cycling and other electric micro-mobility solutions for commuting to work or places of study from home by encouraging participants to use electric scooters, monowheels, E-bikes, hoverboards, and Segways.

Unipd students, staff and all those who want to support the initiative may do so using a cycling or electric mobility vehicle and passing checkpoints at specific time slots between 7 and 10 am on the morning of Friday, September 16.

The winner of the initiative is awarded to the city with the highest number of participants passing checkpoints on board sustainable mobility vehicles during the combined monitored time slots. 

Checkpionts in Padua

Corner of Via San Francesco & Via Ospedale Civile
Ccorner of Vicenza & Corso Milano
Hospital entrance at via Giustiniani
Hospital entrance at Pontecorvo
Corner of Belzoni & Via del Portello
Corner of Via Sorio & Via Libia
Corner of via Vittorio Veneto & Lungargine dei Barcari
Via Istria (top of the cycling path on Borgomagno)
Lungargine Terranegra at Via Vigonovese
Bridge at via Facciolati
Bridge at via Acquapendente
Corner of via Venezia & Via Tommaseo (in front of the Fiera)
Corner of via Beato Pellegrino & via Mont