
UniPD is seventh in the 2021 EA ranking


Education Around is a non-profit association that developed its rankings by examining the 63 Italian state universities (Alma-Laurea consortium members) in 56 disciplines using over 25,000 units of data.
The University of Padua ranks seventh in the general ranking division with a total EA score of 66.6. The score is obtained by calculating the average scores from each university in rankings related to Bachelor’s, Master's and / or Single-cycle degrees offered.
The 2021 ranking reports refer to the statistical data related to the 2019 graduating class.

Grouped by disciplinary class, made up of single cycle degree classes or similar degree classes, the Education Around rankings have announced the following positions for the University of Padua:


  • First place in History and Archeology
  • First place in Psychology
  • First place in Healthcare
  • Second place in Biology and Biotechnology
  • Second place in Agriculture and Veterinary
  • Third place in Communication
  • Third place in Education and Training
  • Third place in the Performing Arts



  • First place in Political Science and International Relations
  • First place in Healthcare
  • Second place in Engineering
  • Second place in History and Archeology
  • Third place in Psychology
  • Third place in Mathematics and Physics


Single-cycle Master

  • First place in Veterinary
  • Third place in Primary Education

Education Around measures five different criteria for its ranking development: Internationalization (based on the percentage of students who have studied abroad during their graduation), Employment Opportunity, Internships (students who have undertaken an internship organized by the University but carried out outside it), Alumni Network (based on the number of students who earned a Bachelor’s degree in Italy and then decide to work abroad, as well as the total number of graduates an academic year), and Student Experience.