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Unipd promoted with honours


Previously awarded with the same accreditation in 2012, the "HR Excellence in Research" seal endures for three years from 2021-2023. Within Europe, only 626 other universities have achieved such status, of which eighteen are Italian.

Chair of the Evaluation Commission and Human Resource Research Manager of the University of Cork, Mary O'Regan, declared the accreditation.  Awarded institutions are based on dedication to the management of human resources in ''the optics of the correct functioning of the research activities, as well as professors, researchers and PhD students".

University of Padua Rector, Rosario Rizzuto states, "In addition to the confirmation of the prestigious accreditation, the praise we have received struck me.  Evaluation committee members bluntly said they would choose Padua if they chose to go back to school for study or research.  It is a great result and compliment for our University. Underlined in a period like this, the only chance we have in finding an effective solution to the global challenge experienced by the pandemic emphasizes the daily fundamental role of research and science.  Let me extend my gratitude to Professor Cinzia Sada, the contact person for the project, for the excellent work done."

The University of Padua designs and implements three-year Action Plans useful for concretely implementing the principles established by the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (C&C). The University's commitment to policies in favour of research personnel has brought it accredited as a European institution awarded the "HR Excellence in Research" seal.

Aimed at European Union researchers, the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct includes a set of general principles and recommendations regarding roles, responsibilities, and prerogatives for researchers, employers, and research funding bodies.

The Charter aims to promote mobility, improve working conditions, ensures professional environments with recognition, growth, and adopting best practices supporting research services. The Code aims to improve recruitment processes and make selection procedures fair and transparent while proposing alternative tools and criteria for assessing merit.

Subjects of the 2021-2023 Action Plan includes 46 actions taken from the principles of the Charter and the Code. The key initiatives concern professional development, access to training, research and continuing training, access to a professional career, the value of mobility, the evaluation system, commitment to public opinion, working conditions, funding and salaries, participation in decision-making bodies, recruitment, selection, assessment of merit, recognition of qualifications and non-discrimination.