
She, green. The podcast


The stories and actions of women past and present who have fought to defend the right of communities to live in healthy and wholesome places. The podcast She, green is a six-episode story, told by science journalist editor-in-chief of the Il Bo live, Elisabetta Tola, which gives voice to the persistent and courageous struggles, sometimes in the face of isolation and hostility, of long-sighted women who refuse to sacrifice the common good to the demands of unequal and unjust development.

Among the protagonists, Tina Merlin, Laura Conti and Elena Croce, Annalisa Corrado and Sara Segantin.

The podcast She, green, produced by Chora Media and the Unipd magazine Il Bo Live with the support of Fondazione Cariparo, is available on all free audio platforms (Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Spreaker, Google Podcasts).