
The new Sustainability Report records the trend of improvement for Unipd


With the sixth edition of the Sustainability Report, our commitment to monitoring performance in relation to the objectives set out in the Charter of Sustainability Commitments, as outlined in our planning tools, continues. This document also provides our stakeholders with an integrated overview of our management, administrative, teaching, research, and third mission activities, highlighting their impacts from a sustainable development perspective.

The performance indicators show an improving trend in the area of sustainability. Notably, the result of the annual carbon footprint calculation indicates that for the year 2023, there was a total reduction in GHG (greenhouse gases) emissions of 24% compared to the 2018 baseline, primarily due to the use of renewable energy and the introduction of energy efficiency measures, and an increase of 3% compared to 2022, linked to the higher number of students compared to the previous year (+ 4.1%) and a new calculation methodology for the transport survey.

The results of our commitment to environmental, social, and economic sustainability have been crowned by excellent positioning in major international rankings: QS Sustainability: 110th place worldwide and 2nd in Italy out of 1,403 institutions; THE Impact Rankings: among the top 50 universities in three of the 17 Goals of the 2030 Agenda (SDG 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities, SDG 4 – Quality Education, and SDG 3 – Good Health and Well-being); GreenMetric: 128th place worldwide and 9th in Italy out of 1,183 institutions.