
International Conference of Fluvial Sedimentology


On 14 and 15 July 2021 the International Conference of Fluvial Sedimentology returns with two online days entirely dedicated to river research organized by the Department of Geoscience of the University of Padua.

After more than 40 years, the ongoing COVID emergency interrupted the well-established custom to group the fluvial researcher community during the International Conference of Fluvial Sedimentology. After having been held almost in all the continents, the ICFS2021 was planned to be held in Riva del Garda, in Northern Italy, but the pandemic crisis forced us to postpone the conference to July 2022.

This online meeting will be hosted via, and will aim at keeping high attention on different aspects of fluvial research by proposing invited talks and virtual field trips. Invited speakers are among organizers of sessions of the forthcoming ICFS2022, and will provide overviews of the major scientific topics, which will be discussed one year later in Riva del Garda. The two field trips will give participants the chance to visit some well-known study sites, which provided relevant contributions to increase our knowledge on modern and ancient alluvial systems.

Registration is open until July 9 and participation is free.