arabic writing

As of February 2024, Abjadcert exams will be available at the University of Padua for those seeking Arabic as a foreign language certification


The University of Padua is one of the first Italian academic institutions accredited by Abjadcert, the international Arabic language certification agency. Other Italian institutions include the University of Pisa and the John XXIII Foundation for Religious Sciences.

Certifying skills in Arabic as a foreign language, Abjadcert is managed by the Abjadiyya Institute for Arabic Studies of Fes in collaboration with the Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University of Fes. The certification follows the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

As of February 2024, the Department of Historical, Geographical and Antiquity Sciences - DiSSGeA of the University of Padua will allow not only Unipd students to take exams and obtain this certification, but will open opportunities to anyone interested in the study of the Arabic language.

The certification consists of a written test, followed by an online oral test.

Further information on the DiSSGeA website.