Archivio news


A circular economy and new sustainability models. A new University Centre in Padua


On October 7, 2021, at 11 a.m, the Caffè Pedrocchi hosts the inauguration of The Centro di Studi per l'economia circolare – CEWMS (Circular Economy of Waste, Materials and Sustainability), a new centre o f the University of Padua dedicated to scientific research and fostering a dialogue between universities, companies, and civil society for the promotion of creating a circular economy

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Making the point. Carbon neutral or carbon zero? Towards COP26: transforming climate policies and societies


The Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Climate Justice of the Univeristy of Padua, organize on October 27 at 4.40 p.m. the II international online conference on climate justice titled "Making the point. Carbon neutral or carbon zero? Towards COP26: transforming climate policies and societies"

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GaudeaMUS! The Goliardicum Patavinum Museum is officially open


GaudeaMUS! the Goliardicum Patavinum Museum is officially open in the atrium of Palazzo Bo and across from the charming bar. The museum holds 350 historical objects, clothing, ‘feluche’, and documents, each piece offers visitors the opportunity to interpret the main theme of the museum ‘Patavina Libertas’ and how this sense of freedom continues to be enjoyed over the centuries by its students

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Greenhouse Gas and the 200-Million Year Old Mass Extinction


A study conducted at Unipd reveals that the release of a massive amount of methane entrapped in the rocks of the Amazonian basins may have occurred during the end-Triassic mass extinction. About 1 million cubic kilometres of basaltic magma intruded and heated organic-rich sedimentary rocks, resulting in the release of methane

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Future and Freedom for the University's 800th Anniversary


A rich program of events in celebration of the 800th Anniversary of the University of Padua with exhibitions, shows, meetings, editorial publications and the inaugurations of new museums will start on September 30, and continues until March of 2023 at Unipd

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