Archivio news


The University of Padua School of Medicine is among the best in the world


The AVIS-2 Study conducted by an international research team and coordinated by Gian Paolo Rossi of the Department of Medicine of the University of Padua clarifies the role of imaging techniques when diagnosing the most common form of curable arterial hypertension. This and another research study from China confirms the University of Padua School of Medicine as among the best in the world.

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anatomic theatre

The Golden Age of the University of Padua Medical School


On November 30, at 10.30 pm, the College of the Holy Cross (Massachusetts, USA) hosts an online webinar with Fabio Zampieri (Associate Professor of History of Medicine at the Department of Cardiac, Thoracic, Vascular Sciences and Public Health of the University of Padua) dedicated to the Golden Age of the University of Padua Medical School

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Hand me your PIN!


'Hand Me Your PIN! Inferring ATM PINs of Users Typing with a Covered Hand' is the research paper carried out by an international research composed by the University of Padua, the Delft University of Technology and GFT Italy. The study try to understand if PIN codes are a secure way to protect our bank cards

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phd student

PhD Course in Statistics Cycle XXXVII Opening


On November 11, at Scuola della Carità - Via S. Francesco n. 61-63, the PhD Course in Statistics welcomes the news PhD students starting their doctoral programme in October 2021.

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Inclusive policies within the job market: different approaches. The Arqus webinar


The Universities of Padua and Lyon organize an online training session open to the general public on Thursday 18 November from 10 to 12:30 (CEST). The activity is set up in the framework of the thematic axis "Accessibility, inclusion and diversity" of Arqus and aims to highlight examples of inclusive environments and policies.

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