Archivio news


Election for Student Representatives held on December 6 and 7


On December 6 and 7, the 2022 election for student representatives of various academic bodies takes place online. Student representatives hold their positions for two years, 2022-2024. Voters can access their ballots remotely which are then counted through an electronic voting system

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Families in times of accelerated societal and demographic changes


'Families in times of accelerated societal and demographic changes' is the title of the workshop which takes place in Abano Terme from 11 until 14 January, to allow early career scholars and senior researchers to discuss in both formal and informal ways cutting-edge papers, suggesting new hypothesis, specific case studies, comparative studies around the themes of family changes in challenging times

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Centro di Ateneo per i Diritti Umani e Unipd alla Manifestazione nazionale per la pace


L'Università di Padova, con 70 studentesse, studenti, dottorandi, docenti, personale tecnico e amministrativo, partecipa alla Manifestazione nazionale per la pace che si svolge a Roma sabato 5 novembre 2022 per dire no alla guerra e costruire la pace

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sito web geo

Padua UniverCity. Geografie di un'università in movimento


Nei suoi otto secoli di storia l’Università di Padova ha plasmato e arricchito il tessuto urbano della città, ha alimentato flussi di persone a scala regionale, nazionale ed europea, ha stimolato scambi di idee e attivato collaborazioni a livello planetario Una mostra e un portale web raccontano questa lunga storia

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The Arqus Research Days 2022 kicks off today in Brussels


3 days to meet policymakers, take stock and design the future.

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