2024 Botanical Garden - Greenhouse closures and restyling
The Biodiversity Garden greenhouses of the Botanical Garden will remain closed throughout 2024, due to the ongoing assessments aimed at investigating the condition of the glass panes affected by breakage.
Upon completion of the assessment, additional work to the greenhouses will ensure compliance with the most recent technical standards on glass curtain walls. The work will be coordinated with the already planned renovation work on the greenhouse roof, which was seriously damaged during a strong localized hailstorms in July 2018 and subsequently reoccurrence of the same phenomena in 2019 and 2022. Cushions will be replaced with the insertion of an additional layer of protection against hailstorms. Estimated date of reopening will be posted before the start of the works, accompanied by a restyling and an enrichment of the botanical collections.
The Botanical Garden will receive restoration and maintenance work as part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan to enhance Italian parks and gardens of cultural interest. With more that 227,000 visitors in 2023 alone, the University of Padua opened the Botanical Museum to the public by inaugurating a ancient book hub that gave a new life to the Vincenzo Pinali and Giovanni Marsili Historical Library of Medicine and Botany. In the autumn of 2023, the restoration of the statues of the Four Seasons and Theophrastus was completed. Cleaning and restoration work is currently underway on the fountains and aquatic plant tanks inside the ancient garden and the conservative restoration of the Guardian's House is being completed, destined to become the organizational center of the visit and public reception.
Restoration and maintenance work include:
- cleaning of the Alicorno canal, as part of a collaboration with the Bacchiglione Brenta Consortium
- cleaning of the water drainage system of the Old Garden
- construction of the quarantine greenhouse and restoration of the bromeliad greenhouse
- construction of a multiplication greenhouse and opening of the building site of the new orchid and cultivation greenhouses around the 19th-century greenhouses
- creation of the lighting system, updating the wireless internet network and video surveillance system of the Old Garden
Annual memberships are suspended. Full ticket cost will remain 15 euros and will include free use of the audio guide. Memberships tickets issued from December 2022 will receive a 3-month extension, while for tickets issued from June 2023 are extended for 6 months.