Innovative Teaching Projects
Since 2018, the University has been allocating funds for the improvement of teaching.
You can find in this section descriptions of valuable projects that are inspiring, convey good practice and serve as a reference for future teaching initiatives.
School of Science
Dipartimento di Matematica “Tullio Levi-Civita”
The Department of Mathematics "Tullio Levi-Civita" with the aim of promoting good practices in Community Development, brought together a group of students, researchers, teaching and administrative staff under the guidance of Dr. Elisa Gallo (an expert in development and training for Capgemini). Together, they delved into the concept of community as a multiplier of ideas, energy, knowledge, and time.
The group explored new models of work embracing the economy of passion and commitment.
Furthermore, the group discussed future perspectives and unanimously recognized that the Community represents:
- A tangible and virtual space for meeting and creating synergistic interactions.
- An opportunity to transmit knowledge and a sense of shared responsibility.
- A chance to foster continuous learning by involving all stakeholders of the Department.
To discover what has been done or to join future activities, sign up here.
Project Manager: Alessandra Buratto
Keywords: mathematics, community development, lifelong learning, training, meeting
Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche - DiSC
Insegnare chimica con passione! is the latest volume in the Epistemology and Teaching of Disciplines series (scientific director Prof. Walter Panciera), which gathers teaching experiences from some high school chemistry teachers. Particularly noteworthy is the "MC4 - Molecules at the Computer: Calculations for Chemistry in the Classroom" project, funded by the University of Padua and carried out in collaboration with UniPD teachers. This volume also includes a contribution from Prof. Eric Scerri, a respected scientist in the field of history, epistemology, and teaching of chemistry. Click here to read the volume.
Project Manager: Laura Orian
Keywords: chemistry, teaching, education, high school, publication
School of Human and Social Sciences and Cultural Heritage
Dipartimento di Beni Culturali: archeologia, storia dell'arte, del cinema e della musica (DBC)
PODCAST Veneto Medievale
Podcast series on lesser-known medieval archaeological sites in the Veneto region.
Episodes produced by students of the undergraduate degree program in Medieval Archaeology during the academic year 2022-2023.
Listen to all 27 episodes of the podcast on Mediaspace.
Project Manager: Alejandra Arnau Chavarria
Keywords: Veneto, archaeology, podcast, Middle Ages
MOOC “Change of Era: The Origins of Christian Culture through the Lens of Archaeology”
The exhibition "Cambio de era. Córdoba y el Mediterráneo cristiano" ("Change of Era. Cordova and the Christian Mediterranean") narrates the origin and development of early Christianity, highlighting its impact on the history and culture of the Mediterranean, with particular focus on the southern Iberian Peninsula and the city of Cordova.
The exhibition is accompanied by a prestigious catalog curated by Professor Alexandra Chavarría Arnau and an English-language MOOC titled "Change of Era: The Origins of Christian Culture through the Lens of Archaeology," hosted on FutureLearn. In the MOOC, Professor Arnau introduces and contextualizes the themes and objects presented in the exhibition. The MOOC is funded by Unipd as part of the Call for Projects for the Improvement of Teaching. Read the article on Archeo and discover the MOOC on FutureLearn.
Project Manager: Alexandra Arnau Chavarria
Keywords: Cordova, Christianity, Middle Ages, archaeology, MOOC
School of Medicine
Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche (DSB)
ABILITY3 represents a didactic proposal focused on engaging students in conducting and communicating biomedical research through experiential and inquiry-based learning.
The project unfolds along two main lines:
- A student-centered approach realized through laboratory internships, built upon inquiry-based and experiential learning methodologies, and complemented by workshops aimed at enhancing communication skills. These workshops are designed to train students in effectively disseminating scientific content across various contexts.
- A teacher-oriented line aimed at improving the effectiveness of tutoring methods and designing laboratory investigations in an engaging and educational manner.
For more information, we invite you to consult the project page.
Project leaders: Simonetta Ausoni, Christian Borgo, Marco Dal Maschio, Regina Tavano
Keywords: experiential learning, inquiry-based learning, communication skills.
School of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine
Dipartimento di Medicina Animale, Produzioni e Salute (MAPS)
Workshop "From Design to Evaluation: the Syllabus as a Tool to Promote Learning" - February 20, 2023
The Department of Animal Medicine, Productions, and Health has organized a workshop aimed at training professors of the Veterinary Medicine course, as part of the activities organized in preparation for the upcoming EAEVE visit (the European body for accrediting veterinary medicine schools).
The event is open to all those interested in understanding how the Syllabus can be a tool to promote learning.
February 20, 2023, 2:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Agriculture Room, Benedictine Court
Project Managers:
Keywords: syllabus, veterinary, medicine, learning, workshop
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