Change Agents
Change agents are motivated teachers, already in possession of a T4L Open Badge (a digital certificate that highlights the skills and abilities acquired), who, after having followed a training course aimed at learning how to disseminate successful teaching practices - community building, leadership, active learning - make themselves available to their department and support their colleagues in professional development paths. Their ultimate goal to stimulate a constant process of improvement and modernization of teaching.
Delegate for Teacher Training and Innovative Teaching
Esperta in:
School of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine
Esperta in:
Project Base Learning
Problem Based Learning
Team Based Learning
Esperto in:
Peer assesment
Group learning
Referente Arqus Didattica Innovativa
Esperta in:
Lavori di Gruppo
Esperta in:
Simulazioni con e senza uso di manichini
Role play
Problem based learning
Fedback e valutazione formativa
Esperto in:
Lavori di gruppo
Case studies
Esperta in:
Peer assessment
Case studies
School of Economics and Political Science
Esperta in:
Lavoro di gruppo
Peer feedback e peer observation
Role play
Quiz per autovalutazione e interazione
Esperto in:
Lavori di gruppo in aule numerose
Law School
Esperta in:
Digital Tools
Learning by doing
School of Engineering
Esperto in:
Active learning
Students' engagement
Peer observation
Esperto in:
Discussione di casi-studio
Advisor progetto T4L
Esperta in:
Quiz di moodle, padlet, wooclap, powtoon
Learning by doing
Problem solving
Outdoor training
Esperto in:
Tecnologie per la didattica (moodle e/o altri strumenti per la didattica, software, video, quiz, wooclap)
School of Medicine
Esperta in:
Autopsie video-registrate
Flipped classroom con peer-to-peer student evaluation
Esperta in:
Problem based learning (PBL)
Flipped classroom
Inquiry based learning e active learning in laboratorio biomedico
Organizzazione di corsi di communication skills in ambito biomedico
Esperta in:
Feedback ricorrente riguardo comprensione/apprendimento del programma tramite Wooclap/Kahoot
Case studies in itinere (esercitazioni in aula tramite Think-Pair-Share)
Esperta in:
Case analysis con supporto di teorie e lavoro di gruppo
Prediction activity
Problem-based learning
Didattica con tecnologia (Padlet)
Esperto in:
Realtà virtuale
Peer discussion in gruppi
Esperta in:
Flipped classroom
Lavoro in piccoli gruppi
Esperto in:
Blended teaching with MOOC
Problem-based interactive learning
Esperta in:
Learning by doing for technical, non-techincal, and communication skills
School of Psychology
Esperta in:
Single case discussions, small groups discussions
Flipped lessons
Using videos for different activities
Wooclap, Mentimeter
School of Science
Esperta in:
Peer observation (among lectures)
Assessment strategies
Esperta in:
Uso dell'IPad nella didattica
Moodle (ad es compito, quiz)
Esperta in:
Interaction stories
Peer to peer observation
Esperto in:
Online e blended learning
Smart learning design
Utilizzo delle tecnologie AI nella didattica
Digital Advisor
Esperta in:
Peer observation
Using Interviews for learning
Esperta in:
Coordinamento lavoro di gruppo
Valutazione tra pari
Esperta in:
Didattica con le tecnologie (wooclap, padlet)
Didattica di laboratorio biomedico
Flipped-classroom con peer-to-peer evaluation
Referente Podcast
School of Human and Social Sciences and Cultural Heritage
Esperta in:
Case study
Small group discussion
Peer feedback
Project-based e challenge-based learning
Esperta in:
Didattica interattiva
Esperto in:
Active learning
More about
In ‘Universities without walls - a vision for 2030’, a document drafted by the European University Association, it is highlighted how crucial, among the priority missions to which universities must aim by 2030, is the development of a teaching and learning system capable of leading to the formation of "students who are creative and critical thinkers, problem solvers, and active and responsible citizens". This, in a process that must involve not only the entire university community but also external stakeholders, driving the transformation towards an open, transformative, transnational, inclusive, and sustainable university.
How to ensure the achievement of these goals? How to make the resources allocated to universities and their activities sufficient with a view to staying abreast of the times and revisiting methods, tools, mentality and culture of faculty and students? To respond to these needs, the University of Padua has chosen to adopt a participatory and widespread approach, implementing the spirit of collaboration, and equipping itself with a community of Change Agents.
Who are the Change Agents?
Change agents are motivated teachers, already in possession of a T4L Open Badge (a digital certificate that highlights the skills and abilities acquired), who, after having followed a training course aimed at learning how to disseminate successful teaching practices - community building, leadership, active learning - make themselves available to their department and support their colleagues in professional development paths. Their ultimate goal to stimulate a constant process of improvement and modernization of teaching.
This trans-disciplinary community is unique in Italy and was among the elements that ANVUR (National Agency for the Evaluation of the University System) marked as distinctive trait of the University of Padua (as emerged during the visit of the Commission of Experts for Evaluation in 2018), contributing to the top ranking of our University. The effectiveness of this figure was even more evident during the confinement and following the restrictive measures adopted to contain the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. Indeed, it was the Change Agents who managed the appointments of the "T4LTogether", activities that allowed the faculty members to share their first experiences of distance learning and to discuss what expedients to adopt to improve and smooth the teaching/learning process in times of synchronous and asynchronous lessons. In just a few weeks, 24 meetings were organized, involving more than 420 teachers at the University - almost one out of five - from all departments, and allowing for the rapid and transversal dissemination of the information necessary to implement the best strategies.
The figure of the Change Agent was introduced in the University of Padua as early as 2018, when the first training cycle reserved for those teachers who, having already attended Teaching4Learning courses, had been able to demonstrate their interest in becoming an active part in promoting teaching improvement and innovation was launched.
This path is part of a more global commitment of the University of Padua to ensure the continuous and constant improvement of the quality of teaching, in the full knowledge that investing in improving teaching practices will optimize the learning of students.
How to become a Change Agent?
For more information, visit the dedicated course page.
Ufficio Offerta formativa
Settore Assicurazione della qualità e didattica innovativa
Tel. 049 827 6316 - 1246
Social network Teaching4learning