Internships in Italy
The training and orientation internship is a period of training aimed at students (curricular internship), recent graduates within 12 months of graduation (extracurricular internship) and graduates in unemployment status (work placement / reintegration internship), in companies, public bodies and professionals. It can be compulsorily foreseen by the regulation of the degree course, or it can be done optionally.
The internship can have a maximum duration of 12 months for students and 6 months for recent graduates / graduates.
An internship involves three subjects: the trainee, the promoter (the University of Padua) and the host company or entity. The university tutor (a university professor), and the company tutor (not necessarily coinciding with the legal representative), who guide and follow the intern in carrying out the intended task, are also part the training path.
Incoming Traineeship at University of Padua
General safety training course (mandatory for all types of traineeship)
In compliance with the provisions of Legislative Decree 81/2008 and subsequent amendments and by the State-Regions agreements of 21/12/2011 and 07/07/2016, before starting the internship or internship period, each student / graduate must carry out a general safety training course and pass the relative final test.
The course is online, on the Moodle platform.
- Access the “Area Sicurezza”, choose "general training", then click on "Basic course in health and safety: General training (4 hours)" (in English) for international students.
- Enter the login credentials used for the Uniweb system (email address and password), click on "Register".
- Approve the programmatic sheet to view the first module.
Only after passing the test, the student can download the certificate of training that constitutes permanent training credit.
If already in possession of a general training certificate obtained in accordance with the aforementioned laws, in another institution or at the University of Padua before 25 July 2017, the student must send a copy to the email address form.sicurezza@unipd.it for the appropriate adequacy checks and possible exemption from the online course.
Students: starting the internship
In order to start an internship you need a training agreement, a training project and to have passed the general training course on safety in the workplace. Insurance coverage for third party liability and accidents at work (INAIL) is paid by the University.
AGREEMENT: if not yet stipulated, it is up to the host institution: see page dedicated to information for companies
TRAINING PROJECT: it must be completed by the student together with the company tutor within the reserved area of our online platform (instructions can be found in the same reserved area). At least 15 days before the start date, the training project must be sent or delivered to the Career Service office, which will subsequently send it countersigned to the host institution.
Graduates: starting the internship
In order to start an internship you need a training agreement, a training project and to have passed the general training course on safety in the workplace.
Internship for graduates based in Veneto
To start an internship with operational headquarters in Veneto, graduates must use the forms available for download on this page (Veneto Graduates Agreement and Veneto Graduates Training Project).
Internship for graduates based in Italy but outside Veneto
In order to receive the correct documentation, the graduate who intends to carry out the internship outside the Veneto region must contact the office well in advance, indicating the region of the operational headquarters.
- Training and Orientation Agreement - Veneto
- Training and Orientation Project
- Compilation Manual
- Final Document
- Individual File
- Traineeship Individual Folder (responsibility of the Host Organisation)
Delivery methods and timing
At least 15 days before the start date, the training project must be sent or delivered to the Career Service Office, which will subsequently send it countersigned to the host institution.
The digitally signed agreement must be sent via PEC to the address: amministrazione.centrale@pec.unipd.it.
All entities, except public administrations, can alternatively send the agreement by normal mail, in duplicate, to the following address:
Università degli Studi di Padova
Ufficio Career Service, Palazzo Storione,
Riviera Tito Livio 6 – 35123 Padova
Suspending or extending the internship, notifying business trips
All changes on what is established in the training project must be promptly communicated by fax to the number 049.8273524 or by email to stage@unipd.it. The communication must be signed / sent by the company tutor.
Locations and timetables
University Career Service - headquarters
Riviera Tito Livio, 6 - 35122 Padua - Palazzo Storione (ground floor)
tel. 0498273075 fax. 0498273524
e-mail. stage@unipd.it
The School of Medicine and Surgery activated a dedicated desk for all internship-related practices for the Single Cycle Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery, including the professionalizing internship, and for all three-year, master's and master's degree courses.
For any information / communication concerning their internship, all students are kindly requested to contact:
Internship Coordination Office
Via Giustiniani, 2 - 35128 Padua
School of Medicine and Surgery - Ground floor
Opening hours: Monday - Tuesday - Thursday (from 10.00 to 12.00)
Tel. +39 049 821 3792/8661/7837
Email: tirocinio.medicinachirurgia@unipd.it
Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine
viale Università, 16 - 35020 Legnaro - Ca 'Gialla, 2nd floor
opening hours: Tuesday and Thursday 9.30-13
tel. 049 827 2519
via Marzolo, 5
opening hours: Tuesday and Friday 9.30-13
tel. 049 827 5688
Via Gradenigo 6 / A. DEI / G building (first floor next to the library of Engineering)
opening hours: Tuesday and Thursday 9-12
PSICO 2, via Venezia 12 (first floor)
opening hours: Wednesday and Thursday 9-13
tel. 049 827 6494
Education Sciences
Piazza Capitaniato 3, Internship Office on the ground floor
opening hours: Wednesday 9.30-13; Thursday 9.30-13
tel 049 827 4644
Via Jappelli 1, II floor (near the Erasmus office)
opening hours Wednesday 10-13
tel 049 827 5072
Political Sciences
via Del Santo 28, 1st floor
opening hours: Tuesday 10.00-13.00 and Thursday 15-16.30
tel. 049 827 4018
via Cesare Battisti 241, 1st floor
opening hours: Monday and Wednesday 10-13.00
tel 049 827 4179
Career Service
via Martiri della Libertà, 2
35137 Padova
tel. 049.8273075
Public opening hours:
Mon-Fri 10.00 - 14.00, Tuesdays and Thursdays also 15.00 - 17.00
Phone calls taken as follows:
Mon-Fri 10.00-13.00, Tuesdays and Thursdays also 15.00-16.30
The counter to the public receives only by appointment