The desk is open to the public only by reservation
The internship, or training and orientation internship, is a training period aimed at students during the course of study (curricular internship) and to those who have obtained the degree, within 12 months of obtaining the title (extracurricular internship) at companies, public bodies and professionals. It can be compulsorily included in the regulation of the degree course, or it can be done voluntarily.
The internship can have a maximum duration of 12 months for students and 6 for recent graduates
An internship involves three subjects: the student or the graduated, the promoter (the University of Padua) and the host, ie the company or the institution. The figure of the university tutor, professors of the University, and the figure of the company tutor (not necessarily coinciding with the legal representative), who guide and follow the intern in carrying out the expected task.
How to find and start a traineeship in Italy or abroad; how to find job through job offer online windows, company presentations, sending CVs to companies; guidance to the job market.
Information for students and graduates
School of Medicine and Surgery
Information for trainees on Master's degrees and advanced training courses in the health sector:
Trainees on master's degrees and advanced training courses in the health sector who are to carry out their training at the Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria di Padova (Padua University Hospital) must read the safety protocols
The School of Medicine and Surgery has activated a dedicated desk for all practices relating to professional training and TPVES for the Single Cycle Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery, including the bachelor’s and master's courses in Health Professions, and the Master of Medicine and Surgery.
Notice for students:
All information regarding internships must be sent from the Internship HelpDesk platform by logging in with your institutional email name.surname@studenti.unipd.it
Link: https://helpdesk.strutture.unipd.it/rexpondo/customer.pl
For any information / communication concerning their internship, all students can contact:
School of Medicine and Surgery
Internship Office
Ground Floor School of Medicine in Via Giustiniani, 2 - 35128 Padova
Email: tirocinio.medicinachirurgia@unipd.it (for communications of professors and health professionals in relation to internships)
School of Medicine website www.medicinachirurgia.unipd.it
Opening hours: requests for appointments (in person or via Zoom) will be possible via the the following link https://tirocinio.setmore.com
Reception times will be available at https://www.medicinachirurgia.unipd.it/servizi-0
tel. 049 821 7836 – Internships for the course ME2491 Medicine and Surgery in English
tel. 049 821 3950 – 1st and 3rd year Internships for the course Medicine and Surgery in Italian, Padua and Treviso sites
tel. 049 827 5400 – 2nd year Internships for the course Medicine and Surgery in Italian for Padua sites
tel.049 821 8657 – 4th, - 5th Internships for the course Medicine and Surgery in Italian for Padua and Treviso sites
tel. 049 821 8661 – 6th Internships for the course Medicine and Surgery in Italian for Padua and Treviso sites
tel. 049 821 7837 - Training Projects for all courses
Information for companies
Career Service
via Martiri della Libertà, 2
35137 Padova
tel. 049.8273075
Public opening hours:
Mon-Fri 10.00 - 14.00, Tuesdays and Thursdays also 15.00 - 17.00
Phone calls taken as follows:
Mon-Fri 10.00-13.00, Tuesdays and Thursdays also 15.00-16.30
The counter to the public receives only by appointment