Job and career guidance


Studying at university and obtaining a degree is only the first, yet decisive, step towards the world of work and professions. The University provides a series of tools to help students and graduates understand their expectations and the needs of the labour market, in order to consciously plan their training and work curriculum.

The University supports those interested in defining their own professional objectives, providing them with the tools they need to draw up an effective action plan.

  Further opportunities (updated 28-10-2021)

 Joule: Eni's school for business

Joule is an Eni initiative whose mission is to support the growth of sustainable enterprises, focusing on climate change and decarbonisation.Human Knowledge is Joule's training experience aimed at aspiring entrepreneurs who want to grow and make Italy grow in a sustainable manner, providing tools, knowledge, skills and keys to understanding how to do business.The Human Knowledge Open Program offers the opportunity for students, graduates and researchers, interested in the theme of creating sustainable business, to participate in an innovative growth experience through the study of ten macro themes and to train their entrepreneurial skills through challenges and concrete opportunities for networking.
For further information
Registration for the programme

QAREER Project - Quality Assurance of Career Services in European Universities

The University of Padua is involved in a project entitled: QAREER - Quality Assurance of Career Services in Higher Education, financed by the European Union in the framework of KA2 - Strategic Partnerships and coordinated by Spiru Haret University of Bucharest (Romania) together with an international partnership. The aim of the project is to identify and define the quality standards of university Career Services in Europe through the drafting of a Guidelines Manual and its dissemination on the websites of European universities to raise awareness of the central role played by university Career Services in bridging the gap between the university world and the world of work. The project aims also to raise attention to the quality and efficiency of the services provided to undergraduates and graduates looking for a job opportunity.All project information and documentation can be found at

VIVET - Virtual Internships for Vocational Education and Training

More information on this page

Career Service

via Martiri della Libertà, 2
35137 Padova
tel. 049.8273075

Public opening hours and Phone calls taken as follows:
Mon-Fri 10.00-13.00, Tuesdays and Thursdays also 15.00-16.30

The counter to the public receives only by appointment