Internships abroad - information for companies

If you have already selected an intern please skip to: Activating an internship

Publish an internship offer

  • Register the company data (only the first time you use the service) through the appropriate form
  • Wait for the email to validate the registration
  • Use username and password to access the reserved area
  • Fill in the required information

The Office will evaluate the offer to verify its compliance with the University's training profiles and, if so, will publish it. The Office is also available to analyze the needs of the company and define the profile sought.

The offers received will be kept visible on the site for a maximum period of three months, possibly extendable.

Spontaneous applications will be evaluated and reported to the company if in line with the request. The curricula will be available for consultation by companies in the reserved area. In case of insufficient or unsuitable applications, the service will contact suitable profiles by extending the search to all the curricula present in the database.

Upon request, the office can carry out shortlisting interviews with candidates, in order to present the company a group of suitable curricula.

Activating an internship

An agreement and a training project are required to start an internship. Insurance cover for third-party liability and accidents at work with Inail is provided by the University.

AGREEMENT: it establishes a collaboration relationship thanks to which a company/body is entitled to host trainees. It is drawn up only on the occasion of the first hosted internship and establishes a framework agreement between the University and the host company. It must be signed by the legal representative and is valid for five years.

Agreement activation procedures:

- register your company details (only the first time you use the service) by using the appropriate form;
- wait for the email to validate your registration;
- use your username and password to access the reserved area;
click on the Guida Convenzioni button and follow the instructions;
- Save and download the PDF of the agreement, sign it and send it via email to Only wet signatures or qualified electronic signatures can be accepted.

Instructions for non-Italian host organizations.

TRAINING PROJECT:  The duration, contents and activities to be carried out during the internship are defined jointly by the host organisation, the tutor and the trainee. It is drawn up for each hosted internship and can be signed either by the legal representative or by the company tutor.

Students must complete the training project in their private area, signed training project must be provided to the Career Service by email at least 15 days before the beginning of the internship

Career Service

via Martiri della Libertà, 2
35137 Padova

Public opening hours:
Mon-Fri 10.00 - 14.00, Tuesdays and Thursdays also 15.00 - 17.00

Phone calls taken as follows:
Mon-Fri 10.00-13.00, Tuesdays and Thursdays also 15.00-16.30

The counter to the public receives only by appointment