
Women and the university


'L’Università delle donne. Accademiche e studentesse dal Seicento a oggi” is the fourth volume of ‘Patavina Libertas. Una storia europea dell’Università di Padova‘, the series  based on archival research conducted by historians of the University of Padua, published in co-edition by Donzelli editore and Padova University Press.

The new book, edited by Andrea Martini and Carlotta Sorba, collects the contributions of Giulia Albanese, Elena Canadelli, Eleonora Carinci, Alessandra Gissi, Margherita Losacco, Michele Magri, Andrea Martini, Lorenza Perini, Tiziana Plebani, Naila Pratelli, Carlotta Sorba, Chiara Xausa.

The presentation event, on November 2 al 5 p.m., opens with the institutional greetings of Daniela Mapelli, Rector of the University of Padua, and Gianluigi Baldo, Director of the Department of History, Geography and Antiquity - DISSGeA. This will be followed by Paola Govoni, University of Bologna, and Annarosa Buttarelli, philosopher and scientific director of the Scuola di Alta Formazione Donne di Governo.
Introduced and chaired by Annalisa Oboe, director of the Elena Cornaro University Center and coordinator of the Patavina Libertas project.

Andrea Martini and Carlotta Sorba will also be present, together with the authors of the book.

The meeting is streamed live.
To participate, reservation is required

The book L'Università delle donne. Accademiche e studentesse dal Seicento a oggi aims to unveil the obstacles women have faced in order to access to the academic world. The book begins at the University of Padua but takes the reader beyond Italy and Europe. The goal is to open up the continually unresolved problems regarding the presence and the role of women in universities, now and in the future.

Preceding the publication of the volume, Alla prova della contemporaneità. Intellettuali e politica dall'Ottocento a oggi edited by Carlo Fumian, La filosofia e le lettere. Le origini, la modernità, il Novecento edited by Vincenzo Milanesi, Intellettuali e uomini di corte. Padova e lo spazio europeo fra Cinque e Seicento edited by Ester Pietrobon.