artificial hand

University of Padua Hospital unveils sophisticated bionic prostheses


University of Padua Hospital unveils sophisticated bionic prostheses.

The University of Padua Hospital used new sophisticated bionic prostheses for its patients, thanks to cutting-edge plastic surgery techniques, and developments in bioengineering, artificial intelligence, robotics, and rehabilitation with biofeedback. 

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Even though microsurgery techniques have become increasingly sophisticated it is not possible to replant the limbs of every patient after an amputation. Artificial limbs must be used. The transformations from a simple "inert substitute" to a real bionic hand or leg continue to improve.
The first four-limb amputation operation in the world with bionic prosthesis, muscular reinnervation, and sensory reinnervation was carried out in Padua in June last year.

Padua’s Plastic Surgery UOC and Orthopedic Rehabilitation UOC units have joined the 'Intelligent Stump' multicenter project which includes others in Boston, Huston, Hannover, Graz, and Vienna. We are targeting skin and muscle organs first. Then we selectively denervated and surgically reinnervated the nerves from the amputation stump, as EMG signals from the target organ become innervated, capable of activating a prosthetic device.

Thanks to the experience gained in stump preparation techniques and neuromotor training methodologies, we have begun to collaborate on two international humanitarian projects. The Gaza Project deals with the revision of the stumps of children victims of trauma and burns while the Ukraine Project follows the rehabilitation of amputee soldiers with new strategies for the prevention of phantom limb syndrome and neuropathic pain.