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Unipd offers an even more accessible website


Always attentive to the issues of inclusion by respecting rights and equality, the University of Padua has chosen to expand its inclusiveness initiatives with a new tool that links communication, specifically, its website (www.unipd.it) with simplifying and facilitating access when publishing content.

From the already fully accessible portal, the University of Padua, one of the first universities in Italy to do so, has chosen to integrate a software capable of further simplifying access to content and pages called AccessyWay. The web accessibility tool allows those with temporary and non-temporary disabilities to surf the net with assistive technologies.

How does it work? A small blue icon figure used as the international symbol of accessibility becomes visible at the bottom left of the navigation screen and when engaged a drop-down menu appears where one can choose from a list of "simplifications" that best suits their needs.

The software tool offers improved content for a wide range of individuals with disabilities including motor, visual, auditory, cognitive, colour blindness, dyslexia, epilepsy, low vision and more. The software can automatically adjust colour contrasts, increase the font size, add spaces between texts, simplify navigation methods, set an automated screen reader and much more.

The goal is to facilitate access to the university’s website and the information it holds by making it a more accessible tool, which is essential for communicating, discovering, learning, and working in today’s world.