Bo Palace

Shanghai Ranking for "subject". Unipd confirms its position among the best universities in the world


Monday, November 11, the agency Shanghai Ranking Consultancy published the ranking by subject, in which the University of Padua remains in the top 50 positions worldwide in three subjects: Water Resources (28th, improving by 8 positions), Veterinary Science (32nd), and Agricultural Sciences (44th).

Padua also confirms itself as the best university in Italy for the following disciplines: Earth Sciences, Environmental Science & Engineering, Biotechnology, Human Biological Sciences, Education, and Psychology.

Finally, the University of Padua ranks among the top 100 in the world for the following subjects: Physics, Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Automation & Control, Medical Technology, and Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences.

"Shanghai Ranking's Global Ranking of Academic Subjects mainly considers the quality of research by disciplinary fields, evaluating the number and content of scientific publications, along with international awards and recognitions," comments Mara Thiene, professor and delegate of the rector for international rankings, "Having three subjects such as Water Resources, Veterinary Science, and Agricultural Sciences among the top 50 in the world testifies to the value of our research and the international impact of our work in fields of great relevance for the future of the planet. The presence of other disciplines within the top 100 in the world also confirms the versatility and competitiveness of our University in a wide range of scientific and technological fields. These results attest to the leading role in research and education at national and international levels, thanks to the commitment and dedication of the academic community of the University of Padua."