
Preventive career education: from theory to good practices


Examples of laboratories and projects implemented by the University of Padova

July 14, 2021
h. 12.00-13.00

The 2.1 Task Force "Preventive Early Career Education" of the Arqus University Alliance promotes a webinar (July 14, h.12-13) in which the Larios Laboratory (Laboratory for Research and Intervention for Career Guidance) of the University of Padua will present some innovative career education programs. The session is open to students and teachers of relevant study programmes in the Arqus partner universities.

Given the early nature of career development and its close connection to other areas of positive development, several scholars emphasize the need to implement career education programs, as soon as possible, from early childhood. These career interventions should offer opportunities for all children to envision positive career paths, stimulate understanding and acquisition of competencies and resources crucial for career planning, and contribute to quality of life and psychosocial wellbeing.

Based on these premises, and in line with the most recent and accredited theoretical frameworks in the field of career guidance, some innovative career education programs designed by Larios Laboratory (Laboratory for Research and Intervention for Career Guidance) of the University of Padova to support kindergarten, primary and secondary students, in planning their educational and professional futures in an inclusive perspective, will be presented.

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