bo-bot projects

The New University of Padua Tele-Inclusion Bo-BOT Project


The New Bo-BOT Project is underway at the University of Padua. While still in its experimental phase, with plans for its definitive use, the OHMNI® Telepresence Robot on wheels comes equipped with a high definition 4K wide-angle lens controlled by an operator easily and remotely. The Human Inspired Technology Research Centre (HIT) Director and Scientific Coordinator Prof Luciano Gamberini oversees technical support of the project along with the University of Padua Computer and Telematics Area and HIT scholarship supported researchers.   

The experimental phase includes six robots for educational purposes and to access the University’s rich cultural heritage. The launch of the project aims to verify the effectiveness of robots in facilitating learning and socialization elements to the satisfaction of the participants by defining best practices in terms of efficiency and usability of the system (online reservations, maintenance, etc.). This phase is an opportunity to evaluate the interface system ‘driving’ the robots (Brain-Computer Interface, Joystick capabilities, etc.), which allow people with various forms of physical paralysis or disabilities to interact with the robots with devices such as mouth-operated joysticks or with impulse neuro-controllers. 

The first application of Bo-BOT Learning began in October by providing students with to access academic lessons and to participate in the social activities organized by University social activities, Bo-BOT Learning aims at enriching an inclusive classroom experience and improving the social participation of all students, regardless of challenges due to health or other disabilities.  

The Robotic Telepresence application of Bo-BOT for Cultural Experiences offers an innovative and inclusive tool for visitors to explore places of artistic interest and discover the historical and cultural heritage of the University of Padua. In coordination with the Communication and Marketing Area, the Bo-BOT for Cultural Experiences project aims to enrich the visitor experience at various University places of interest, with particular reference to Palazzo Bo. Thanks to virtual robots, visitors can connect from all over the world, moving from rooms and locations not accessible due to space restriction or safety. In particular, the Bo-BOT for Cultural Experiences offers guided tours of Palazzo Bo  with plans tours of the Sala dei Giganti in Palazzo Liviano, and various University museums.     

The Telepresence Robot extends even further out, allowing visitors to see and hear what happens across physical space. Its movement allows visitors to explore different spaces and interact with others while sharing information to and from the user. Telepresence is technically more complex than traditional videoconferencing due to its robotic virtual reality interface that allows for an independent and effective form of virtual collaboration.